Chapter 2

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I will address Wei Wuxian as Hua Wuxian now.
Just to make sure, Wei Wuxian is his past, and Hua Wuxian is his present, please don't be surprised if the name Wei Wuxian appeared occasionally.




Hua Wuxian raised his head from the messy piles of papers and cinnabars. His silver eyes with a hint of redness looked at the two figures in white and blue robes walking to his spot in the rabbits' enclosure. He let out a goofy smile as he took in his son and his Jie appearances.

"Dajie, Chu'er."

Hua Wuxian said. Hua Wanning and Hua Fengxian looked at Hua Wuxian's face and instantly knew something was wrong but their smile didn't show that they caught on. The rabbits hopped on the new visitors of the back mountain. Hua Wuxian stood up bushing his clothes and looked at the two.

"How is the meeting, Dajie? Is there something going on?"

Hua Wanning shook his head dismissively. Hua Wuxian wondered where does the boy even get the quiet and reserved personality from, he was not that reserved.

"Nothing happens, only Baoshan furan having an outrageous idea."

Hua Fengxian said. She looked at the stuff that was messing spawning everywhere before organizing it. Hua Wuxian nodded his head in understanding of what his Jie meant.

"What does she suggest?"

Hua Wuxian asks. Hua Wanning answered this time while holding a white bunny.

"She wanted to hold the Cultivator conference this year. She said she promised her friend to invite their descendants."

Hua Wuxian almost choke on his spit hearing what his son said. He looked at Hua Wanning before to his sister who nodded at what Hua Wanning said.

"Is she serious?"


Hua Fengxian and Hua Wanning said at the same time while helping themselves to clean the messy place. Hua Wuxian looked awkwardly as he didn't do anything to help, so he clean the place as well as he was the one making the mess.

It was the same peaceful day in the cultivation world before the major clans were making a mess with it. The first one to freak out the cultivation world was the Nie Clan caused by their heir, Nie Huaisang.

Nie Huaisang, known as Head Shaker or Good-For-Nothing was just chilly in his courtyard before a paper crane landed on his table. Curious. He opened up the paper crane and later fainted.

"Sect Leader Nie!"

Next up!

The Jiang Sect in which the Jiang Sect Leader himself found it, Jiang Wanyin.

Jiang Wanyin, known as the one that killed Wei Wuxian and Sandu Shengshou was just at his quarter doing work when a paper crane flew through the open window. Annoyed. He opened the paper crane harshly almost ripping it apart. When he tried to register what the word mean in the paper meant before running out to where his family was.

Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan were alive and tried to get along with each other after their coma during the whole war. It was not a now fact that the two are alive as Jiang Wanyin and a few trusted members of the Jiang Sect knew of it.

They were just drinking tea and talking before seeing their son busted into the courtyard holding a crippled paper.

Roll, and roll, and roll.

In the Lan Sect in which a disciple who wore the headband solely belongs to the main family has found the paper crane.

Lan Sizhui, known as the model of all Lan disciples was just practicing the swordmanship of the Lan before a paper crane landed on his sword. Curious and alert. Lan Sizhui carefully inspect the paper crane and took it and opened it up. He let out a quiet gasp and looked around before looking at the paper again.

His door was opened with almost a bang but somehow it was able to keep a quiet noise. Lan Xichen Lan Qiren and Lan Wangji were just drinking tea and reporting when they saw Lan Sizhui looking like he ran from the other side of the mountain. Lan Qiren almost gave the poor freaking out boy a scolding before Lan Sizhui put a paper on the table not before bowing of course.

Lan Xichen smiled before taking a look at the paper he went still for a second before looking at Lan Sizhui again.

"This is not a prank, right?"

"Zewu-Jun, what was written in the paper was not a prank. I confirm it when I feel some type of energy coming from it."

Lan Xichen nodded before telling his brother and his uncle. Save to say (unfortunate) Lan Qiren only gets a qi deviation not spitting a large amount of blood (pity).

"What do we do, Xiongzhang?"

"Let's hold a meeting with the others sect leaders as the paper did mention the Nie, the Jiang, the Jin, and Wen will attend."

You don't want to see the Jin Sect's reaction.

One word can be described how it was. None. None can describe how was it let me break it down clearly first.

Jin Guangyao was scheming, AGAIN. Jin Zixuan was worried. Madam Jin has a deadpanned look. Jin Ling just look interested but otherwise bored.


The Hua Siblings, also known as the 5 grandmasters of Celestial Mountain were just doing there job going about their day when they feel deja vu. They can't help but feel the need to drink to waste that night.

Blame it all to Baoshan Sanren for them to feel like that!

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