Chapter 8

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It was just your typical calming day in the Celestial Mountain where all the citizens of the Huale [1] city and disciples woke up and does their respective work. The citizens go about their day as they set up their stalls, some disciples would help to do some chores and some others would go to practice for the morning.

However, at the top of the mountain where the Celestial Palace state. A group of people from different Sects of the outside world were waiting patiently for one of the grandmasters of the mountain.

"Good morning, Jin Ling." A boy with the main family headband greeted the half-asleep boy with a polite smile.

Jin Ling nodded. "Mn..."

The boy in gold ruffled his hair and tried to tie his hair with his red ribbon. His action was undignified but no one in the hall could blame him as it was just four in the morning, when the sun hasn't even peak through the forest. Only the Lan Jade Twin and the Head disciple seemed to not mind the waking up timing.

He took his guan [2] and walked to his father who knew what to do immediately. The father and son ignored everyone as they go about their routine of the father helping put on the guan for his son and his son would yawn to try to blink away the tiredness.

Just in time, a boy stepped into the hall with languished steps. His small smile seemed to be greeting them good morning but Jin Ling intercepted as 'Hello to you, young mistress.'

His face was once again covered with a carved silver mask. His hair was in a half ponytail that was attached with a light blue ribbon, the ribbon have a silver trinket in the shape of a detailed butterfly. The overrobe was white with the hanfu of the lightest blue with the pattern of butterflies and clouds sewn with silver threads. The bottom of the hanfu fades into white. The dark blue sash around his waist was decorated with a jade yupei [3] in the shape of butterflies.

"Good Morning, Sect Leaders." Hua Wanning greeted with a simple bow and goes to Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling after he was dismissed with a careless wave

"Morning, Wanning." Lan Sizhui gave a simple greeting

Hua Wanning nodded when he noticed how Jin Ling starked toward him with a murderous look. His collar was suddenly grabbed and the yank to make him looked into the Jin clan heir in the eyes. 'Yup, definitely can kill me with that look.'

"You better explain to me why we need to wake up at such hour. The sun haven't even rise!"

Hua Wanning chuckled nervously and tried to soothed the angry Jin. He glanced at the other cultivators that have an annoyed look on their faces. Nie Huaisang was fanning himself while nodding off a couple of times, Jiang Cheng was glaring at the red pillar for no reasons, Jin Zixuan smiled weakly at him, Jin Guangyao was busy with his guan, and lastly, the Lans were dignified and nonchanlant as ever.

"I also don't know, Jin Ling. I was suddenly awaken by my ayi by having a basin of water poured on me. So, I have more miserable time than you." Hua Wanning explained

Jin Ling huffed and let go of the now wrinkled collar and stomped over to his spiritual dog.

Hua Wanning breathed out a sigh of relief and turned to Lan Sizhui who was talking with his spiritual animal. The boy have decided to let the mighty dragon go with him but it meant the dragon needed to be in another form. Now, the second most powerful dragon in this Celestial Mountain is a baby sized red-crown crane. The symbol of noble character and represents longevity.

"I'm glad he decided to be a crane." Lan Sizhui announced sheepishly while carring it.

Hua Wanning nodded. "I heard your clan have that against for having a pet. Do you this is okay?"

Lan Sizhui smiled but his nervousness was clear in his eyes as he gazed at the bird slash dragon worriedly. Before a warmth hand landed on their shoulder, they looked up to see Lan Xichen smiling reassuringly.

"I will clarify to shushu [4] about the situation. Wangji allowed his familiar to come as well, so it an easy work." The Lan Sect Leader winked, causing Lan Sizhui to blushed furiously while Hua Wanning to chuckled in amusement.

Lan Zhan nodded, behind him was a man with odd colored hair of light blue and a pair of sharp vermilion color eyes. The man hair only reached his shoulder with a crystal coral shape attached to his hair. His outer robe was ocean blue that faded to pale blue with the pattern of fish and waves sewn in copper and white threads. It was left in a hanging state with a black slash wrapped around his waist keeping it on, his black belt was hanging loose as well with golden accent all over his military hanfu.

"Haven't each other for a while now, Yuheng Zhu. [5]" The man said politely that made Hua Wanning twisted his face weirdly under his mask.

"It not nice to see you again, Jiangjun Hai. [6]" Hua Wanning's voice was full of sarcasm

The general's smile twitched slightly.

The Lans looked at the situation with different interpretation. Lan Sizhui was wondering why was his friend was hostile to the shocking general in front of him. Lan Xichen raised a brow slightly, and Lan Zhan didn't change.

"You are?" Lan Xichen questioned

The general stopped glaring at the masked young master and gave his polite smile to Lan Xichen and Lan Sizhui. "My name is Yu Lang, the general of the Dragon clan. It's nice to meet you."

Hua Wanning shivered and turned away. Before the sound of a clap resounded in the soon-to-be lit hall.

"Time for your departure."

[1] Huale [花乐] – Flower Music ("Hua" is taken from Hua Cheng's surname and "Le" is taken from the fallen kingdom of Xianle)

[2] Guan [冠] – is a type of headwear in Hanfu which covers a small area of the upper part of the head instead of the entire head.

[3] Yupei [玉佩] – translated to Jade Pendant

[4] Shushu [叔叔] – Uncle, father's younger brother

[5] Yuheng Zhu [玉衡主] "玉" mean jade, jasper, "衡" mean balance, "主" mean master

[6] Jiangjun Hai [将军海] – general of the ocean

Name: Yu Lang [雨郎] – "雨" mean rain, "郎" mean youth

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Name: Yu Lang [雨郎] – "雨" mean rain, "郎" mean youth

Jiangjun Hai
Water Dragon Lord
Military Master

Water manipulation
Ice manipulation
Space manipulation
Yang manipulation (related to Yang energy and able to gather them)
Resentful Energy sensitivity
Transformation (dragon, fish, human)
Polearm user
Sword user

HuaLong forest
Lan Wangyue
Hua Fengxian
Lan Wangji
Dragon Clan

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