Extra 1: Chinese New Year

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A youth about six or seven was crouching with a thick white coat over him, making him look like a cotton ball being buried in the snow as he played quietly. The pair of golden orbs shone softly with contentment as he finished his small snowman. His rosy cheeks were getting redder by the coldness, his puffy lips turn been turned into a small smile. He looked like a jade crafted by the best sculptor who ever existed in this cultivation world.

Today marked the seventh year he has been living in this peaceful world of the Celestial Mountain. His Niang said him being born into this has already been marked as his first year.

"Xiao Dianxia[1]!" A woman dressed in green and white ran toward him with a bright smile.

His eyes held exasperation but his face was stoic as he turned to his Shi Ayi.

"Shi Ayi," he said softly

The woman smiled brighter and scooped him up from the ground, snow got on her neat appearance.

"Xiao Dianxia, do you want to go to the town with me? I have permission," she said as she held out a pass

A black jade crafted in the shape of dragon and phoenix, the tassel was red with some silver beams attached to it. The pass to Huale town's most private places was right in her hands, being played with it like a toy.

"Come on, Xiao Dianxia." She urged him with a pout

He sighed and nodded, mentally saying goodbye to his small snowman who he named [Xiao Xue]. [2]

"Great! Dage would be thrilled to see you. You know, he's the one that flip the ship the other day."

"So, he was the one that flip our trading ship from Chang'an [3]?"

"Eh? The ship was yours?"

He shook his head. "Not mine. It was Jiujiu's trading ship, he said it was for this year's seasons to come. He has been agitated for a while now when he heard the news."

The woman looked guilty for a moment before determination took over her face. "Hmp! I will talk with Dage! Don't worry too much, Xiao Dianxia."

"Wanning! Did you forget to wear your coat?!"

"Niang..." Hua Wanning looked exasperation

Hua Wuxian ran through the heavy snow being piled up on the side, in his hand was another white fluffy coat. He, himself, was wearing a black fur coat with stripes of red dangling from behind.

"Don't look at me like that or do you want to be buried in the radish field?"

Hua Wanning shook his head in horror. The thought of being once again buried in the radish field made him shiver, although he doesn't know why his Niang was obsessed with the thought of burying him in the radish field. His Shi Ayi laughed heartily and welcomed Hua Wuxian with a bright smile that rivaled the sun.

"Ah, Xiao Hua! Come on, come on. We go drop Xiao Danxia off at the temple and go to buy some wine."

Hua Wuxian's face lit up and nodded excitedly, ignoring his son's look that was given to him. He skipped over and just dropped the coat over the boy, the clip was in place immediately after he put it on. Now two furry coats made the once cotton ball more round like a big snowball.

"Niang." Wanning whined as he tried to take off the coat but the clip somehow got stronger with each try.

"Come on now, Chu'er. Let A-Niang have his time, will you?"

With that said, Hua Wanning found himself being quickly dropped off with his first Ayi and watched as his irresponsible Niang goes to drink with his Shi Ayi. He knew his First Ayi just watched in amusement, so he quickly greeted her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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