Chapter 4

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No one expected it except for Hua Wanning. They saw green land with thick trees covering them from sight they all held their breath when two white tigers came running to Baoshan Sanren. Baoshan Sanren patted the cups on their heads before running to Hua Wanning who was ready for the impact.

Hua Wanning has fallen backward when the two cups jumped on him seemingly excited to see him again. He was also excited to see them again but he doesn't like it when his white clothes were dirty he gently put them down and dusted off the dirt.

Baoshan Sanren smiled even brighter and whistled and all kinds of beasts came out.

"This is all the beasts of the middle area of the forest, an inner area is a restricted place and the beasts there are more powerful. Not even Baoshan Furan dared to go against the king of the beast."

They were all shocked to hear such things coming out of Hua Wanning's mouth their jaw dropped (except for the Lan, they only have a tiny shock expression) when they saw a crystal-like blue dragon and white dragon with three colors scale fly in from of them. Hua Wanning raised his brows in confusion which got Nie Huaisang asking him.

"Gongzi. Why do you look confused?"

"Ah. That is because the two dragons are the 2nd and 3rd most powerful beasts in the forest. They only come out when there is a troublesome matter or..."


Lan Sizhui repeated. The pause made the people all the more anxious and Baoshan Sanren laugh in the background while feeding the beasts. Hua Wanning looked deadpan at Baoshan Sanren before continuing with a mysterious smile.

"Or they come to greet their masters."

Eh? They all made the sound of confusion which caused Baoshan Sanren to laugh even louder which didn't help at all.

Just then, the crystalline blue dragon flew down and start sniffing among them. Hua Wanning has a playful smirk on his face as he urges the sect leaders and heirs to spread out. The crystalline blue dragon stopped at Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji subconsciously pull out his hand and the dragon let him caress him.

Hua Wanning and Baoshan Sanren blinked a few times before Baoshan Sanren let out a dramatic gasp. Hua Wanning looked at the second young master Lan and the crystalline blue dragon before letting out a cough.

"Congratulations Lan Gongzi. Please put your hand on his forehead in between his eyes, the bonding process will begin."

Lan Wangji nodded and does what Hua Wanning told him. A soft blue light surrounded them as Lan Wangji now has a dark red crystal shape mark but it was covered with his headband.

While that happen, Lan Sizhui was startled when a white dragon with three colors scales flew toward him and looked at him intensely with its golden eyes. It looked at Lan Sizhui curiously before he took Sizhui's hand which was raised him to defend, and caressed its head. Sizhui looked surprised but he smiled when Hua Wanning urges him to accept the offer.

Everyone else gasped when they saw another dragon willing to become the spiritual beast of Lan Sizhui. Choosing the second young master Lan was reasonable but also choosing a disciple from the Lan Sect?! It was beyond their imagination.

The same thing happened to Sizhui but instead, they were surrounded by soft three colors light and there was a dark red slit. When the two Lans finished, they can feel their energy increases significantly.

Hua Wanning watch all of this from the side when Baoshan Santen pushed him to go to the center. All the beasts all clear up as he glared at Baoshan Sanren before taking out his guqin. It's a pitch-black guqin with the tail curving upwards, which flourishes into blooming branches of dew-laden having blossoms that glow with a luminous radiance.

 It's a pitch-black guqin with the tail curving upwards, which flourishes into blooming branches of dew-laden having blossoms that glow with a luminous radiance

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He sat down on the grass and moved his fingers elegantly on the guqin with his eyes closed. In a trance state, Hua Wanning played a song that came to mind causing Lan Wangji to frown at the slight familiarity and Lan Sizhui to feel the need to cry. Each sound made by the guqin sent a pleasant feeling to the people and beasts in the forest.

Not long after, another sound of guqin was heard from inside the forest. Though the song was different Hua Wanning matches the tempo perfectly that the Lan siblings and Lan Sizhui was surprised by the proficiency. Not long after the tempo quickened up from inside the forest causing Hua Wanning to change his calming tempo again.

What seemed to be a music battle lasted for two hours and in those two hours, Baoshan Sanren said it was to test the boy's capacity. Hua Wanning was already sweating with a heavy breath he looked at the forest and cursed in his head.

Curse you uncle! Hua Wanning thought.

Just then, a beautiful black dragon with and white Phoenix came out flying toward Hua Wanning. The Phoenix perched on Hua Wanning's shoulder and the black dragon wrapped itself around Hua Wanning's right arm.

Hua Wanning let out a huffed and shouted though not loud.

"Thanks for returning my spiritual beasts!"

The dragon and Phoenix stuck by his side like glue while glaring at each other competing for Hua Wanning's favor. Hua Wanning still sat down with his guqin on his lap happily getting his spiritual beasts back.

"Immortal Baoshan Sanren, how old is Gongzi? He seemed to be only around 15 or 16."

Nie Huaisang asked. Baoshan Sanren looked at Nie Huaisang knowingly letting out a goofy smile.

"Hua Wanning was born with the body of yin and yang making him already powerful. Yin and yang can't coexist in one body so when he was 10 he found the two of them. The Phoenix's name was Yin and the dragon's name is Yang. The Phoenix can control anything related to Yin energy, from elements like water and ice and many more. The dragon can control anything related to Yang energy."

Nie Huaisang almost fainted at the long explanation others jar slack with shock and interest. Jin Guangyao helped him up even though his mind is different.

Baoshan Sanren's smile twitched after reading Jin Guangshan's thought. No one would question why her usual calm and free-spirited aura suddenly become violent.

Many try to get a spiritual beast but only a few would get some. Jiang Cheng got a white tiger with the lightning attribute. Lan Xichen got an egg which he was confused but Baoshan Sanren said it need his bleed to hatch, he got a baby dragon that was a size of a snake.

Jin Ling got a Peacock with the attribute of darkness and fire which he wasn't sure why, Baoshan said the Peacock has absorbed the resentful energy since it was young making it have the darkness attribute. Some were disguised by the revolution but Hua Wanning quickly shut them when he shot out an arrow made of resentful energy.

"Don't ever use the word righteous! Resentful or spiritual energy or not they are the same! Only resentful energy has conscience so that is why no one can control them, they are like living beings!"

Hua Wanning's expression was a replica of Hua Wuxian and Lan Wangji making those scared eyes that were brown gold shine with a red hue. He let out an annoying huff and walked away from the forest. Baoshan Sanren shook her head in disappointment and she let the group go to rest.

Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui newly found dragons decreased in size and wrapped themselves around their shoulder sleeping comfortably.

"He... I should prepare."

The person chuckle and vanished.

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