Chapter 3

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Hua Wanning was relaxing on a sturdy tree branch while playing the music piece his mother would often play for him and the family with a white flute that has a similar design to his aunt and mother which he name Chuning literally taken from his birth name and courtesy name. But... his moment of peace was interrupted when he heard the sound of barking and bickering of two teenagers, one was in yellow with a peony flower on his clothes with other one was in white with waving clouds on the sleeves. Hua Wanning raised his brows as to why a disciple of Lan and maybe? Jin be here, the barrier would make them teleported somewhere else.

"Whatever you doing, stop now."

Hua Wanning's usual cold voice resounded after he finally saw a group of people. They all looked up in shock before he was greeted by a guy in the same clothes as the yellow one only with a black guase on his head and one in white clothes with waving clouds on his sleeves and collar.

"Greetings, gongzi. We were sent a letter by the immortal Baoshan Sanren to come here and someone will greet us."

Hua Wanning's mouth twitched. Hua Wanning really really wanted to go to Baoshan Sanren's place and confronted her. He shouldn't have come here in the first place! He jumped down the tree branch and greeted the group with a courtesy bow.

"I don't know what is happening, but I need to make sure what you said is true. Please, give me the letters that have been sent to you."

Hua Wanning said. Soon, he had the letters at hand and almost ripped them to shred if it weren't for the warning in the paper that he only seemed to see. He let out a tsk and turned back to the group with his usual stoic expression, not letting out any emotion.

"Follow me."

Hua Wanning turned around. The group of guests from the major sect followed the 15 years old boy to a clearing in the dense forest they all gasped (not the Lan, they only silently looked amazed) when they can see a mountain. Hua Wanning led them to the gate of the Celestial Mountain and gave them some rules.

"Since you're just guests, we wouldn't allow you to have much freedom, nor we'll restrict your activity, but do keep the warning at heart when people in the mountain said anything. The place has many restricted places, so please-"

Hua Wanning gave them some important rules. The Lan has no problem following it as they have more than 5000 rules. The Nie the Jin and the Jiang all silently groaned at the rules of not going out without one of the people of the Celestial Mountain. They silently listened to the rules coming out of Hua Wanning's mouth when he stopped at the top of the 5000 stairs.

They saw two women in white and red, and two men in black and royal blue standing up the stairs, seemingly waiting for a long time. They turned around and gave a bow to Hua Wanning before they whispered to his ears. he nodded seriously before turning to the group once again.

"Please wait here. Someone will come to get you all."

Hua Wanning gave a bow before leaving with the four people who seemed to be disciples. Hua Wanning let out a sigh before turning around to the four, which he would rather call them troublemakers even if they are all older than him.

"Xue Yang, Xue mei, Chen Zhen, Chen Yao. What problem did you bring?"

Hua Wanning crossed his arms, eyeing the four suspiciously. Xue Yang and Xue Mei have bright smiles, and Chen Zhen and Chen Yao only have awkward smiles. Hua Wanning really wanted to face palm himself right then and there.

"I will be your escort."

Qing'er, a disciple of Hua Fengxian. She led them to their room to rest and said they could come to the hall of the conference when it was dinner. She then ran away to where her master was drinking tea calmly while her husband was coating her, but she just turned away.

Qing'er immediately hid behind a tree, watching the interaction between the husband and wife before she felt a tap on the shoulder. She let out a soft squeal and looked accusingly at Hua Wuxian, who had a smirk on his dedicated face.

"...the ceremony almost starts. Have you already prepared?"

Hua Wuxian whispered, dragging Qing'er away from the place. She grumble silently, but she answered

"Already, already. Do you know there are guests here at the mountain?"

Qing'er asked. Hua Wuxian raised a brow before his smirk grew larger than before with a mischievous glint in his eyes, and he suddenly dragged Qing'er somewhere again, which Qing'er know would cause trouble. She looked around before sending out a red butterfly to her master that she is now in trouble.

Jiang Cheng was unpacking his things when a nonchalant knock was heard. He opened the door in curiosity but was surprised upon seeing a maiden.

"Excuse me, sect leader Jiang. Baoshan Furan has requested for all of you to go to the HuangLong forest. She said she awaits your arrival."

The maiden bowed and left. Before long, all of them arrived at the destination place and saw the same boy also waiting there.

Hua Wanning arrived at the place he was supposed to be an hour ago, but he saw the group from before standing near the edge of the forest. He went to greet them and also wanted to know why are they even there.


Lan Sizhui also came along as he was the one that found the paper invitation. He greeted Hua Wanning formally. Hua Wanning greeted back and asked.

"May I know what are you all here for? This place is one of the restricted areas."

"Ah. Immortal Sanren has sent a maiden to inform us to come here with the help of the maiden."

Lan Sizhui said. His eyes caught on the white flute hanging from Hua Wanning's waist he instantly have a headache. Hua Wanning saw this help the boy to stand up and soothe the headache by playing on his flute.

Everyone present listened to soothing music intentively before the player stopped they snapped out of their trance. Hua Wanning checked Lan Sizhui's pulse before letting out a reassuring smile.

"Gongzi... how is Sizhui?"

Lan Wangji asked. Hua Wanning cringe internally when Lan Wangji called him Gongzi he felt like he was being too cold.

"Lan Gongzi. Your disciple has absorbed the spiritual energy here quite a lot causing inner turmoil. It is fine now, but I suggest you get him a Spiritual Animal."

Hua Wanning said. What he said caught the attention of those present and perked in curiosity. Hua Wanning ignored the fact and continued with a stoic smile.

"Lucky for you, Lan Gongzi. The Foret of HuangLong contained many exotic and magnificent spiritual animals."

"Is there any other requirement?"

Jiang Cheng crossed his arm. It may seem impolite but Hua Wanning seems to get used to such action. Interested can't be hidden as they all tried to learn everything in one day.

"To obtain one, you need to have a large amount of spiritual or any type of energy and special ability to at least attract the attention of one. Spiritual animals are harder to get unless you are not powerful, the right time to get one is around 15 or 16."

Lan Wangji listened attentively to the explanation as he calmly sent spiritual energy to guide Lan Sizhui.

Lan Suzhui's tense body calmed as he thanked Lan Wangji even though he saw through Hua Wanning's lies. He turned to Hua Wanning and give the boy a secret grateful smile which he got a small smile in turn. They talk with each other peacefully and Lan Sizhui said Hua Wanning acted so much like Lan Wangji except for the fact he showed his feelings easily. Hua Wanning was taken back by the words but that didn't hinder the talk with Lan Sizhui.

No one saw the silent interaction until a clapped interrupted the talking of the major sect leaders and disciples that are brought with them. Baoshan has a bright smile on her young face and her obsidian eyes shine like the stars.

They all gave her their respect before she announced that she would like to know if anyone of them would want a spiritual beast. They all didn't turn down the news. Hua Wanning cursed under his breath only Lan Sizhui and Lan Wangji heard him but they didn't say anything.

"Let's go to the outer area of the HuangLong Forest!"

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