Chapter 5

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〔The next day, Discussion conference time〕

After that day, they have a meeting at the hall they saw the other day. They were served by maids wearing a black outer robe with some embroidery and a white inner robe along with a black mask.

Not long after, Hua Wanning walked into the hall with an indifferent aura that who got close to him yesterday flinched at the differences.

He was wearing a black robe with gold embroidery and a royal blue robbin tied in a half ponytail. A beautiful white sword strapped on his waist, good for reaching if in a difficult situation. His face was covered with a silver mask that has some carvings.

 His face was covered with a silver mask that has some carvings

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(A/N: Only the clothes, I don't know who he is. Do tell me who he is if you know!!!)

His eyes darted around the hall before he saw Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling he goes to them with a smile and his aura changed to the calming one that doesn't fit his aura like the second ago.

"Nice to see you again Sizhui, Jin ling."

"Nice to see you too, Wanning."

"Chu Wanning, what the hell was that?!"

Lan Sizhui greeted back still shocked from the difference that happened a second ago. Jin Ling blurred it out while his eyes looked at Hua Wanning from head to toe and from toe to head again.

Hua Wanning chuckled at the reaction and he took a seat between them.

The three have gotten close when Lan Sizhui asked if he could go to see the town and Lan Wangji gave permission and Hua Wanning volunteered to guide him. Jin Ling also joined halfway through the tour and they got to know each other.

"Nothing, Jin Ling. I have to wear this or else I will get another punishment."

Jin Ling frowned. Lan Sizhui looked bewildered. Punishment? They were sure Hua Wanning never received any punishment in his life as he was a polite well-manner and to top it all he was an amazing person to know.

Even the people in the town all know him as Young Master Yuheng and they all give him many things.

Seeing them like that Hua Wanning can't help but think the punishment last night was worth it. Even if he was to not sleep the whole night and have to copy 100 times from the 10,000 pages book. Seeing his auntie and uncle glaring at him made him shiver in chills.

"Baoshan Furan is here."

Hua Wanning said. He stood up and Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling followed after. This caught the attention of everyone and they followed the three gazes. Hua Wanning held his breath when he saw.

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