Chapter 7

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Hua Wanning was in full panic mode when he noticed the carved silver mask that hung around his waist. Without a second thought, he untied the stripes and gave them to his Niang, and helped with fastening the ribbons.

His actions confused Hua Wuxian greatly but he let it go when he saw the look on the Dragon in front of him.

"Rule number 1, don't let anyone see your face."

Yang Ling recited when he noticed the confused face of Hua Wuxian. The man in front of him nodded and sighed in relief.

"Lucky you two are here." He commented,

"Yeah, Ayi and Dajiu will gladly give me more punishment if they knew if you don't have your mask on."

At his own thought, Hua Wanning shivered in dread.

Lan Sizhui scratched his cheek as he felt like he was forgotten by his own familiar and the mother(?) and son duo. He darted around and caught Jin Ling with his uncle and father. Is this why his new friend was uneasy?

"Chu Wanning! Get back here!" Jin Ling said irritation

Hua Wanning seemingly got back to his unblemished characteristic of the calm but playful young master as he gave Jin Ling a teasing smile. He ran off with his hand pulling the surprised Lan Sizhui with him.

"W-Wanning!" Lan Sizhui could only quietly cry out as he tried to match the pace of the young master in front of him.

Hua Wanning gave another smile and disappeared into the town with Lan Sizhui who was helpless. Jin Ling ignored two new people he saw and ran off to seize the two young masters.

"I will break off your leg when I found you, Chu Wanning!"

Hua Wuxian laughed heartily as he watched his son enjoying himself with the young heir of the Jin clan when he suddenly have a splitting headache.

"Arg-" He groaned as he tried to find something to hold on

Hua Wuxian grabbed hold of the administrator of the HaungLong Forest and mentally thanked him as the two powers crashed into each other again. To him, it was a common occurrence that would happen every week or so as he needed to endure the unbearable pain of his meridian being continuously changing. He reached out to his Qiankun pouch and handed it over to Yang Ling who immediately understood his assignment.

The dragon gazed at the Sect Leader of Jiang and Jin. "Can you help hold him? I only need to grab something."

"Ah? Yes." Jin Zixuan said after he seemed to be out of his daze

He moved swiftly as he grabbed hold of the limp arm of Hua Wuxian, Jiang Cheng was strangely quiet as he moved to hold the other arm. Yang Ling ignored the dreadful feeling arising in his chest as he dug through the Qiankun pouch until he grabbed hold of a bottle. He took his hand out and uncorked the top and poured out a few elixirs and immediately handed it to Hua Wuxian.

Hua Wuxian almost shouted in agonizing pain when he smelt the sense of the medicine he would intake when it happened. He grabbed hold of the pills and swallowed them without hesitation. Being let go, he concentrated on his core as he sat crossed leg on the grass surface.

Jiang Cheng felt as if he was familiar with the masked man in front of him but he can't pinpoint what was it about the man was familiar. He supported the man as the heavy breathing reached his ear, the sound of pain was clear within the voice. (once again feeling acquainted)

"Who is he and what happened?" Jiang Cheng inquired

Yang Ling dropped the jade bottle into the Qiankun pouch. "The fourth grandmaster… Feng Ying. His energy clashed with each other, causing some minor inner injury."

"Minor? Yang Ling, I don’t know Jiefu's [1] subordinate knows how to lie." Hua Wuxian said after he was awake just in time for Yang Ling to speak.

The administrator didn’t glance at the fourth grandmaster before fleeing into the town without saying anything. Hua Wuxian huffed at the disrespected attitude. He stood up and bowed politely as possible, "Thank you Sect Leader Jiang and Sect Leader Jin."

"No need to be polite, fourth grandmaster. We are glad to help you," Jin Zixuan said with a smile

"Ah, I must forget to introduce myself. My birth name is Feng Ying [2] and my courtesy name is Wuxian,"

Zidian crackled. Jiang Cheng gripped his fist tighter until he was sure it would bleed. Wuxian? No, he can’t be Wei Wuxian. That… man is dead and always be.

"Wuxian? As in No envy?" Jiang Cheng cautiously, his spiritual weapon crackling threatening

Jin Zixuan saw the odd face of Jiang Cheng, he instantly panicked because he was also shocked and wary of the fourth grandmaster in front of him. Just as about to step in, Hua Wanning was back with Jin Ling sitting over his shoulder.

"Jin Ling! Don’t be such a little mistress!" Hua Wanning shouted as he tried to put the heir down safely

Lan Sizhui came to the elder and bowed his head politely. "Greeting to Sect Leader Jiang, Sect Leader Jin, and grandmaster."

He was already been notified by Hua Wanning that his A-Niang was the fourth grandmaster of the Celestial Mountain. He was stunned, to say the least, but found it somehow fitting for all five siblings to be the grandmasters. Yes, five. Hua Wanning accidentally blurred it out the night before when they were in a restaurant in the town.

"Sizhui, help your Pengyou [3]. Ning'er would be bald when I see him again." Hua Wuxian said sweetly

"Jin Ling! Don't pull my hair!"

"Jin Ling, stop!" Jin Zixuan goes after his son and Jiang Cheng followed while cursing how troublesome it is.

Lan Sizhui nodded and was about to go after them when he felt a warm hand land on his head. He glanced at the man who looked quite calm about his action.

"See you again next time."

"Mm... I give my farewell." Lan Sizhui walked off with complicated emotions.

Leaving the confused Hua Wuxian behind as he tried to register what he just did.

"What happened?"

[1] Jiefu [姐夫] – brother-in-law, older sister's husband

[2] Feng Ying [凤婴] – Phoenix Infant (I use the surname Feng because it symbolized that he has a Phoenix as his spiritual animal and the fact that he was still alive after choosing to die at the siege)

[3] Pengyou [朋友] – Friend

(I will change some names for my purpose and bye.)

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