Ch. 16

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(Chapter sixteen: Crescendo)

::Hallie's POV::

I ran. I turned into a big fat baby, and ran. He figured out that I went through his stuff. I didn't really- well, I did- but I did nothing wrong!

I dashed from the studio, arabesques still on my mind, refusing to own up to my wrong-doings. I was a baby. My mother always said that my biggest flaws were my apprehension to take responsibility, and my inability to prioritize.

Was I being obnoxious? Perhaps, but I didn't know what else to do.

::Jay's POV::

I'm not perfect, I know. I thought I was pretty okay, though, right up until the moment Hallie went running away at the very idea of my affection.

She was everything; hot, talented, funny, smart, and she liked a lot of the same stuff as me. Yeah, I might be a sappy-er guy than most, but it's not like I didn't notice that she had huge boobs and a round little butt. Okay, that last part sounded a bit gay. Whatever.

As she fled the premises, face beet red, I sank to the polished floor. I always f*cked everything up. Things'd been going pretty well, and I somehow messed it up. I threw my ballet shoes across the room, watching them arc violently through the air. Everything sucked.

::Hallie's POV::

I napped, for real, the moment I got back to the room. I slept for three dreamless hours, snoring like a chainsaw.

When I woke up, Jay sat on his bed reading. I tensed, prepared to leap into a sprint. Jay didn't look up from his book, but spoke softly.

"I didn't mean to freak you out..." My brain went all mush.

"Wait- what?" Jay picked at the spine of his book, face reddening. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like I didn't... You ran out of our rehearsal!" I looked down this time, feeling terrible. I also felt quite confused.

"You didn't freak me out, I just felt awful." Jay met my eyes, raising a thick brow.

"Why did you feel awful?" I huffed exasperatedly, slightly pissed he was forcing me to say out loud my sin.

"I went and found your napkin, I was looking for it. I shouldn't have picked up your stuff, okay? I'm sorry." Jay's face flared redder, and he scratched the back of his adorable head.

"That's why you ran out?" I nodded shamefully, letting a swath of hair fall in front of my eyes.

"I thought it was because you thought I was annoying! I thought it was because you didn't like me!" Before I could think, I responded.

"How could I NOT like you?" I slapped a hand over my mouth. How did I let that slip? I cursed myself internally.

"So... You like me?" I sat silent.

"You LIKE me!" Oh dear god.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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