Blue Jay Way

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He sat by the window in silence for hours. The others had come and tried to cheer him up, but he didn't need to be cheered up. It was his birthday, after all. He was perfectly happy, there wasn't anything wrong. 

"Hey, mate," he jumped at the sound of the voice. He looked over to see Paul smiling down at him.

"Hi..." he whispered, turning his focus back outside.

"We can still have the party just the four of us," Ringo suggested from the kitchen.

"Yeah," Paul said, putting a hand on George's shoulder. "Besides it's getting pretty late anyway."

"They got the invites, right?" He asked curiously.

"We sent them out, George," John said, looking down. "If that's what you meant."

"Okay," George smiled.

"Mate..." John said, going to George's other side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine," George said. Why did everyone expect him to be upset? It had rained all day, but he didn't mind. He liked the rain.

"Why?" He asked after a moment. John looked at him sadly and let out a heavy sigh.

"Well, because no one came," he said, expecting the worst. George's expression didn't even change for a second.

"You guys came," George shrugged. "Besides, it was raining all day and it can be hard to find your way after a storm."

"Well, yeah, but..." John stopped himself and went back into the kitchen. George frowned slightly as he watched him go.

"What time is it?" He asked and Ringo checked the clock.

"About 8:30," he said, slightly cringing.

"They...the invitations had the right address, right?" George asked, standing up.

"Yeah, they did," Paul said, standing with him. "Here's an idea though, we can just have the party between us."

George looked down.

"What time did the invites say to come?"

"What?" John asked, frowning.

"What time, John," he snapped. "What time were they supposed to be here?"

John sighed and sat down at the table.

"They were supposed to be here at 5."

"5-10 was what we wrote on the invites," Paul explained. "I'm sorry, George."

"For what?" 

There was nothing to be sorry for. He was perfectly happy. It was his birthday, how would he not be perfectly happy.

"I'm sorry they didn't show up," Ringo whispered, the realization finally kicking in with George.

"Oh," he said, thinking about it. "Well, it's okay."

Paul smiled and nodded. 

"Yeah, we can just have the party to ourselves and---where are you going?"

George had put his coat on and was now fumbling with his boots.

"It's still only 8:30, right?" 

"Yeah...?" John said, frowning at him.

"Well, there's still an hour and a half until 10, so..." he shrugged. "I mean, we didn't decorate the house or anything. In the fog, all the houses look the same. They might've just missed us."

"Yeah," Paul said, looking at John. "That is a possibility..."

George smiled.

"I'm gonna go out and see if I can see anyone," he said happily and before the others could say another word, he was out of the door. 

He pulled his jacket around him tighter as he sat down in the driveway. He waved at all the cars that passed, hoping one of them might be stopping for the party. By the time 10 came around, Ringo stepped out and joined him in the driveway.

"It's already 10," he said, wrapping an arm around his friend.

"Maybe they just got lost?" George asked, hope in his eyes. Ringo let out a sigh.

"Come inside, George," he said sternly. "We can heat up dinner, there's a cake and presents. It's getting late."

"You never know..." George said frowning. "They still might come."

"Yeah, they might," Ringo said, smiling slightly. "But there's no point sitting out here waiting for them."

"Five more minutes?" George asked. "Give them time and they'll come."

Ringo sighed and stood.

"Alright," he muttered. "Five more minutes. But then you'll come in."

George nodded and Ringo made his way back into the house. George stared out into the distance as a few more cars passed by him.

It hadn't even been five minutes before he came back inside, throwing his coat off, and locking himself in the bedroom, sobbing.

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