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I still can't fathom the fact that Luke said he'd get me out of here. Looks like my living nightmare is finally coming to an end. Just need to hang on for a few more days.

"I expect to see breakfast on the fucking table in twenty fucking minutes!" Michael yelled from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes. "I can't cook for shit," I told Luke.

Luke shrugged, "Just pour them some cereal, I'll eat when we get to the airport."

I reluctantly took out a few bowls and some Lucky Charms, poured the damn cereal and milk, then tossed in some spoons.

The three stooges came down into the kitchen and sat around the table gallantly devouring their cereal.

"These Lucky Charms make me miss Niall." Calum spoke ruefully.

"Well, we're bound to run into the lads sometime on tour." Ashton replied.

"I hope to see those bastards again, had some good laughs didn't we?" Michael chimed in.

"And I hope you choke." I whispered under my breath.

Michael had heard me and decided not to bark back how he's used to. He's usually so irascible that even if I were to breath a word, he'd have my throat. His vehement eyes locked with mine and I quickly darted mine away.

"So uh, when are we heading out?" Luke timidly asked to break the awkward tension.

"Everyone's packed I assume, so we'll leave in a hour." Michael stood up and placed his bowl in the sink, bumping into my shoulder on purpose.

"Asshole." I muttered.

"Luke, Ashton, start putting our shit into the truck." Michael ordered and disappeared back to his room, leaving Calum and I in an even more awkward situation.

I ignored his presence and proceeded to pour myself a bowl of cereal, then took Luke's seat at the table. After a few minutes has passed I noticed Calum starring at me furtively.

"What?" I snapped at him breaking his gaze upon me.

"Look." He took a deep breath, "I don't know how to put this so I'm just going to say it like it is -- I'm sorry." He sighed.

I almost choked on my Lucky Charms, "That sounds like a load of crap to me." I took the final bite of my breakfast, then put my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

"It's not. I swear. I never meant to hurt you, none of us really did -"

"Don't you dare try and apologize for them," I cut him short. "I've been through hell these past few weeks, what you assholes did to me could never be forgiven."

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness." His voice grew louder.

"Really? Cos' it sure does sound like it." I scoffed.

"Could you just stop arguing back for once and let me talk to you like a normal person?"

"Why should I? You're not a normal person, Calum. Normal people don't do what you did."

"I know what I did was wrong, I know that. But you need to hear me out. Please." He tried again.

"I shouldn't let you, but I know the good Calum is somewhere deep down inside of you, so I'll give in."

He sighed in relief, "You know I'm not like that. I hated what I did to you and I couldn't regret it more. You have to understand how sorry I am. I didn't know it was going to get this bad. I thought that when we first found you, that you'd love it. I guess we got unlucky. Michael's a monster, you know that. Luke wasn't the only one who was threatened. All you know is his side of the story, you don't know mine."

I was giving Calum my full attention as he spoke to me. I could tell he was hurting inside because of all of this. I never thought Michael could be this awful, I guess they only show you the sides they want you to see.

"Like I was saying, you don't know my story." Calum's voice got softer.

"So tell me." My voice came out in a whisper.

He took a deep breath and began to speak. "Michael threatened me as well." He paused. "I didn't know it was that serious until Luke began freaking out about his personal threat. I thought Michael was just being Michael. He threatened to kill my sister, Mali. I had no choice but to go along with Michael."

"Cal, I'm so sorry." I pitied him.

"I should just kill you right now." Michael stepped into our conversation holding a small handgun.

Calum turned around to face Michael and put on a brave face. "Go ahead and do it. Think about everything you'll lose, since you only care about your goddamned self."

"I could care less, I'm only in it for the fame." He chuckled, "But I love the money, so I need you to stick around for a bit. So, both of you go get in the fucking truck. It's time to go to America." He flashed a wicked smile before following us out of the house.

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