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My eyes opened and closed a few times before adjusting to a bright light shining down on me.

Am I dead?

I was tied down on something. I believe I was sitting in a chair.

My eyes shot open to the size of saucers. A gasp of terror escaping my lips caused me to choke on air.

The faces I seen standing before me seemed amused.

My eyes darting between each guy. I felt as if I was going to pass out again. Luckily I didn't.

"I think she's a bit shocked." Luke chuckled to himself.

"A bit cofused." Michael butted in.

I can't believe these guys would do this. And why me? I mean don't get me wrong, this might be a good thing. Who knows? I just got here. What?

Ashton spoke, "Don't worry, lads. She'll understand more later on, yeah?"

Calum came up and rested his hand on Ashton's shoulder. "All in good time." He smirked and made eye contact with me. I quickly darted my eyes away, being careful not to stare.

"Yeah." Michael began. "Don't worry, babe. We'll explain later. Just relax and breathe. We won't hurt you." He turned to walk away then peek over his shoulder making eye contact with me. "Yet." He winked and walked into what appeared to be the kitchen.

Fear started shooting throughout my body. They're going to hurt me.

I watched the boys as they began departing their different ways. Ashton remained standing in front of me, staring. My eyes trailed his body.

I've only ever read about this happening. Being kidnapped by one of the biggest bands in the world. And here I am, actually in the real moment of it.

Never in a million years did I think this would happen to me. I've dreamt about it thousands of times, but never thought it would actually happen.

Ashton squinted his eyes and licked his bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth. I stared at him blankly.

He clicked his teeth again. "Can't you speak?"

I refuse to speak until I get answers of why I am sitting here, tied up, with them. I shook my head at him and looked down, causing my hair to fall into my face.

His boots clicked against the wooden floor as he slowly walked up to me. I tilted my head back and looked up at him. He was standing uncomfortably close. He shook his head and cupped my face. "Babe." He breathed out, "when I ask you to speak. You speak."

Well, it doesn't seem like he's going to hur-


My mouth fell into an "o" shape. A tingling, burning sensation formed on my left cheek. He smacked me. He just smacked me.

I looked up at him in anger. He seemed amusingly pleased. "Can you speak now?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

I remained silent. Why should I speak for him? He smacked me, so that means I have to speak? Ha! As if.

"Damn." Be breathed out, "I thought that would've woken you up." He pulled his right hand back again.

Wait, not aga-


This time hurt even more, making me groan in pain. "Fuck you." I whimpered.

He smirked. "What was that, babe?"

I squeezed my eyes closed, afraid he heard me and he might smack me again.

"Fuck you?" He repeated the words that left my mouth just a few seconds ago. "Fuck me? Not yet, babe."

As I'm processing the words that had just escaped his mouth, I still can't get over the fact that he smacked me.

He bent down to my level and met my eyes with his. "I don't want to have to hit you again, babe." Stop calling me that you wanker. "So, this time...you'll speak when I ask you to, yeah?"

I nodded furiously.

He chuckled. "Excellent." He remained in his position, not leaving my eyes.

Staring into his, I see pure darkness. His once beautiful golden eyes, gone. Filled with anger, lust, evilness. It scared me a bit. I never thought I would see him like this.

"Let's try this again." He looked back and forth at my eyes. "I know you know who we are. Am I right?"

I nodded.

He shook his head. "No, no. I asked, am I right?!" He almost boomed.

"Yes." I whispered in slight fear.

"I can't hear you, babe."

I scrunched my nose and spoke a bit louder, sure enough he would hear me. "Yes."

"Good." He smiled. "I know you're confused as to why you're here. Right?"

I sighed. "Yes."

"You're here because we need you. We need you to help us. We need you to provide things for us, that no one else in the world could ever know about. Do you understand, babe?"

I swear if he calls me that one more time. "Yeah."

"Even the most disturbing things. You're here to help us. You belong to us now. Got it, babe?"

Okay, fuck this guy. "Stop calling me that!" I boomed and shook in my seat.

He tilted his head. "What?"

"Stop calling me that." I demanded.

He chuckled. "You're not serious, are you? You need to understand that I can call you whatever I want, babe." He spat my new 'nickname' at me. "Now... What was I talking about before you interrupted me?" He tapped his finger on his chin. "Oh!" He held up his finger. "You belong to us. My little toy." He ran his finger slowly down my shoulder.


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