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Geez, it seems like everyone keeps walking out on me.

Oh well, better go see what all the fuss was about.

I stood up and followed out the door. I guess I should look to see where Luke went. I just need to be careful and not bump into anyone else.

I can do that, right?

I took a deep breath and turned down the hall, the direction Luke went.

"Babe?" A voice called from behind me.

I froze. That voice. That horrific voice.

Footsteps came closer and stopped behind me.

I did not dare to turn around.

I felt his hands move slowly up my sides and close to my neck. He pulled my hair back, his lips lightly pressed on my skin.

I shuddered under his touch.

His lips moved just below my ear as he whispered. "Beautiful."

"Michael..." I breathed out. "Please."

He spun my around. "Aw, come on. It's my turn. I just wanna have a little fun."

I crossed my arms over my chest, protesting in silence.

"Fine." He huffed out. "We'll do it the hard way."

My eyes widened in fear as he reached down and lifted me over his shoulder.

"Wait. Stop!" I pounded on his back several times while kicking my legs. "Fucking bastard!"

"Damn it!" He yelled and threw me down to the ground. "Why are you always so fucking difficult?!" He screamed.

His face was turning a shade of red and his neck veins looked like they were going to explode.

Fuck this.

I pushed myself off the ground and stood up to my full height. I took all the strength I had and pushed Michael backwards.

"You bastard!" I pushed him again. He didn't go far.

"Stop abusing me, and go fuck someone else!" I pushed him again.

He came back at me and grabbed my wrists, keeping me still. "How fucking dare you push me, bitch! I run this fucking place. Who the hell do you think you are telling me to go fuck someone else? Huh?" He shook me in my place.

He forcefully let his grip go making me stumble back a bit. I rubbed my wrists.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off with a smack.

"Fuck you. Fuck you!" I pointed at him and turned around to walk away.

"You fucking little slut." He mumbled to himself.

I took that as my que to run. I ran down the hall as fast as my legs could carry me.

Looking over my shoulder, I seen Michael right on my tail. He was gaining, and fast.

My breathing was getting heavier and I was running out of ways to turn.

Shit. Shit. I was coming to a dead end.

I came at a quick stop when I hit the end of the hallway. There was nowhere to turn. I was stuck.

Michael griped my shoulder and flung me around, slamming me against the wall. Making me grunt in pain.

"That was some stunt you pulled back there." His breath fanned over my lips.

We were both panting.

"You know what happens to bad girls when they pull those kinds of stunts?" His hand gripped my neck and lightly squeezed so I couldn't breathe.

I tried pulling at his hand to keep him from nearly choking me to death as his grip got painfully tighter.

"I - Michael -" I choked.

His eyes grew a shade darker. It was utterly terrifying.

"Well do you?" He asked, referring to his previous question.

I ran my tongue over my bottom lip and quickly swallowed the saliva that was forming in my mouth. "I... I uh." My words couldn't even form from the choking.

"They get punished." His words sounded razor sharp as they rolled off his tongue.

I shook my head.

"Aww.. It's alright, daddy won't be too rough." He spoke in a mocking tone.

His grip released from my neck. My hands took its place and I gasped for air, falling to my knees.

Once I caught my breath, I felt his fingers run through my hair. "Beautiful hair. It'd be a shame for it to get damaged." He wrapped my hair around his hand and pulled up.

I let out a cry in pain. More like a scream.

He pulled me to a standing postition and flung me back into the wall. "Fucking slut."

"Fuck you..." I coughed out, while holding my stomach.

He chuckled and bent down infront of me. "Oh you poor little slut. Don't you understand? You already have." He ran his tongue over his teeth and stood back up.

"Now stand up, bitch." He demanded.

I rolled over and pushed myself up with all the strength I had.

He grabbed my wrist and began pulling me back down the hall. Tears began spilling out of my eyes, because I knew what was going to happen next.

He noticed me crying and rolled his eyes. "Would you calm the fuck down? I'm not going to fuck you."

Part of me actually felt relieved.

We ended up in the living room and he pushed me onto the couch. "Wait here." He said and walked back the way we came.

A/N Well.. I think she's bipolar
And I know I suck at updating.. I just haven't had many ideas .-. Sorry xx

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