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"Welcome to America." A kind looking women said as we all stepped off the plane.

"Damn, a four hour flight, and they hardly have any food." Ashton whined, "And I never got my Big Mac." He added.

"Shut up." Calum mumbled and led the way into the airport stop.

"Stop fighting, let's just get our things and call an Uber." Michael spoke.

His voice makes me cringe.

Luke grabbed my hand again, causing me to blush. "Hey," he smiled down at me.

"Hey." I sighed happily.

"How was your flight?" He questioned.

"The same as yours." I laughed.

"So terrible, I guess." He laughed awkwardly.

"Why was it so terrible for you? Because there was no food?" I raised an eyebrow, yet I felt the same.

"Well that, and the fact that Ashton sat between us." He brought my hand up to his lips, pressing a small kiss to my skin.

My blush deepened and I became more shy. All I could do was smile at him.

"Grab your fucking bags and let's go, I'm exhausted." Michael spoke loudly as we approached the baggage claim for our suitcases.

Luke let go of my hand as he picked up his and my suitcases like a gentleman.

"Oh, Luke you don't have to-"

"I insist." He smiled and proceeded to carry my bag outside, leading the way.

I casually began to walk alone following behind, until a hand intertwined with my own. I looked up to find the last person I ever wanted to see.

"Hello, darling. Miss me?" Michael smiled down at me.

"NO." I exclaimed in disgust and pulled my hand away to continue walking.

"Aww, well that's too bad." He grabbed my hand again with a bit more force and held it by his chest as we walked. "Because I missed you, a lot."

"I couldn't care less." I tried to pull my hand back, but he wasn't having it.

He stopped abruptly, "Well, that's just too fucking bad isn't it?" He smiled.

"Leave me alone, Michael." I pushed away from him and ran towards the boys who were already loading into an Uber.

With my luck, I sat between Michael and Luke. This is exactly what awkward looks like.

"Take us to the Hilton please." Calum spoke nicely to the pretty laid-back driver.

I looked up at Luke with an awkward smile and he returned the gesture. He laid his hand on my thigh for comfort and I placed my hand atop his. I hate to admit this to myself, but I think I'm starting to have feelings for him. He has just treated me with such kindness.

"Aren't you those 5 sauces guys?" The driver spoke loudly.

"Yeah, that's us." Ashton smiled cockily.

"That's so narly." The driver laughed.

"Yeah, what's your name driver dude?" Calum asked.

"My name's Carlos." He nodded.

"Cool... cool..." Ashton trailed off.

"So you boys have a gig coming up I assume." Carlos spoke.

"Yeah, actually we've got one tonight, at MSG." Ashton took over the conversation.

"Wow, that's a huge place. Holds almost 20,000." Carlos awed.

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