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Dear Diary,

Wow it sure has been a while huh?

But like they say:

"All good things must come to an end."

And I guess I'm ready to call it an end.

My time with the boys had been a crazy fucking experience. Especially with Luke. It's crazy how a terrible phase can turn into an amazing one. Kind of like how rain turns to shine.

I learned that not everyone is who you think they are, or who they say they are. I just so happened to learn that the hard way. It's hard to watch someone you've loved for a while, basically be the opposite off who you thought they were.

But I'm alright now. My mother and I are getting along (for now). That was a joke by the way. She really is trying to better herself. She told me she signed up for a twelve step program for her smoking. I'm proud of her. I also told her about where I've been and what has happened to me. She suggested I go to counseling, but I'm a strong girl. She understands that I forgave Calum, and that him and I are on good terms. She knows how Luke has been like a guardian angel to me. Luckily, she accepts my decisions.

Calum is doing fairly well also. He's been helping around the house a lot, since my mother said they could stay here for a while to get things straightened out. I forgive him for what he did to me. He was brainwashed and thought what he was doing was okay. We talked about it more and now it's like he's my older brother.

And Luke, well he's everything I want and more. It was like finding the light at the end of a dark tunnel. He has been there the whole entire time for me, and I couldn't thank him enough. He's my supportive rock, my shoulder to cry on. I've officially fallen head over heels for this giant.

I've learned quite a bit these past months, like don't walk into creepy alley ways people warn you about. But if I never did, then I might not have ever met Luke, or fix the relationship with my mother. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid to go your own way. Just be careful with the choices you make, because the ones you make now create the path to your future. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

I need to cut this short because Luke won't stop bugging me about a blink-182 reunion concert.

I hope there are more amazing journeys to come along the way.

The End.

p.s. my favourite colour really is black. Don't tell Luke. XD

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