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"Let's hit the road." Michael said as he pulled out of the dreadful driveway.

I tried to tune out the car ride and just stare out the window like in one of those sad movies for dramatic effect. Thankfully I caught Luke outside just before we got into the car, and got to sit next to him in the back.

Calum took over the radio and ended up turning on his favourite gangster rap music and I sighed in annoyance. It wasn't really my cup of tea. I'd prefer something along the lines of Green Day or some classic rock, hell maybe even the top 40s pop station. I was always a sucker for whatever was on Ryan Seacrest's radio station.

Luke nudged my shoulder grabbing my attention and held out one of his ear buds for me with a small smile. I happily took the ear bud and placed it in my right ear. He opened his music app and I watched as he scrolled all the way down to the letter W. His thumb pressed Walk Away by Green Day and I fell instantly in love. Okay, maybe not really but Green Day is my favourite band.

I nodded in complete approval.

My eyes returned to the window and I started to stare out it, then they began to close and sleep took over.


"You thought I would let you escape?" Michael stood in front of me with Luke at his side. "And you," he turned to Luke with a gun, "you betrayed me. After everything we've been through Lucas, you go and shoot me in the back. Well, it looks like the tables are about to turn..." He held the gun up to Luke's back and loaded the gun.

I tried to scream at him to stop but nothing was coming out. I tried to run over to him but I couldn't move. I looked down and noticed that I was tied to a chair with a rag around my mouth. I was squirming around as much as I could and tears began to form in my eyes. Please, this can't be happening.

He is just going to let me sit here and watch this massacre be played out in front of me? I could see the horror flash in Luke's eyes as bliss flashed in Michael's. Get me out of here. I shook around in the chair idiotically.

"There's nothing you can do about it, babe." Michael laughed like a maniac.

I felt the tears soak into the rag around my mouth as my eyes met Luke's.


"WAKE UP, WE'RE AT THE AIRPORT!!!" startled me from my nap with a loud scream.

I looked around and noticed the boys all staring at me.

"What?" I asked confoundedly.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked.

I shook my head. "Just a bad dream."

"You'll be alright, let's go catch our plane." Luke smiled.

Michael groaned in annoyance, "I hate you all, get out of my fucking truck."

We all proceeded to get our bags and entered the airport.

Michael went to the front desk to receive the tickets, while the rest of us took a seat.

"I hope he didn't forget his passport. That was a tragic month." Ashton said referring to Michael.

"Right..." Calum spoke trailing off a bit.

"There's a McDonalds over there, anyone want anything?" Luke stood up.

"No man, I'll eat something on the plane." Calum kindly declined.

"Yeah, get me a Big Mac will ya? I'm wrecked." Ashton rubbed his stomach.

"Anything for you, darling?" Luke looked down at me.

I shook my head no.

He sighed, "Come with me." He held his hand out for me to grab.

I took his hand and walked over to the resturant with him. As we stood in line, he thought it would be okay to start a conversation with me.

"What was your dream about?" He didn't stutter.

"You're still holding my hand." I quickly changed the subject.

"Hey don't change the subject." He warned cockily.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I scratched my arm awkwardly.

"Oh come on, you can tell me anything." He begged.

"It was just a nightmare." I sighed as we took a step closer to the counter.

"About?" He itched for more information.

I sighed, "You."

His eyebrows rose, "Me? What about me?"

"Michael. He was gonna shoot you in the back, and- and he was making me watch. I couldn't do anything to stop him, I was tied down and couldn't even scream. Luke, it was terrifying." I almost started to panic as if it were real. It felt too real.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, "It's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." He kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him and smiled, "You're an amazing person, you know that?"

He let out a small laugh and leaned down a bit to meet me face to face, "That's because you ma-"

"Come on, we have a fucking plane to catch." Michael's voice pierced my ears and Luke pulled back.

Luke and I smiled at each other awkwardly, then he grabbed my hand and we followed behind the rest of the boys.

"Now boarding flight 722 to North America." A person spoke throughout the airport.

We made our way to the terminal and handed the ticket collector our tickets.

"Goodbye London." Ashton said loud enough for us all to hear.

Goodbye my living hell.

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