Chapter 10.

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Warning: Smut


To say that Dylan and Simon couldn't stay away from each other would be an understatement. They were always close before the kiss. They would spend their time together and if one was there then the other wasn't very far. But now, it was like they were joint by the hip. They were all over each other, their mouths only separating when there was someone else with them which was rare nowadays as they made sure to be alone the entire day, every day.

But today, Eric was having none of it. He missed the two of them and wanted them to play like they used to. And that was the reason why they were all sitting down on the ground, in a circle, in the middle of their bedroom with the door closed. They were playing truth or dare. Tora had been protesting a bit at first but after a glare from Eric and encouragement from Chrissy she finally gave in and sat alongside her siblings and Dylan. 

"Truth or Dare?" Chrissy asked Aggy who had insisted widely to be able to play as well even though she was still young. 


"What secret did you tell Mr Teddybear yesterday morning?" the teenage girl asked her little sister whose eyes widened at the question and hid her face with her hands while shaking her head in protest. "You chose truth, you have to answer now." Chrissy insisted and Aggy whined but took her hands down and glanced at Simon before looking down with a pout and mumbling something. "I can't hear you." Chrissy said with an evil smile. 

"I ate Simon's chocolates." she said louder and everyone burst out laughing at the horror on Simon's face. 

"That was you?!" he asked in disbelief. "I thought it was Sebastian!"

"Yeah, he even took revenge on him." Dylan said with an amused smile when Simon turned to him with a betrayed look. 

"What?!" Sebastian exclaimed with fear in his eyes. He didn't like the word revenge being associated with Simon and his name. 

"I didn't do anything bad, I swear!"

"He farted on your pillow just before going to bed last week." Dylan said and received a slap on the arm by a whining Simon and Sebastian looked as if he was going to vomit. 

"Is that why it smelled funny all week?" Sebastian asked and the others snorted while Simon apologized to his brother. 

"Simon," Sebastian said later on when it was finally his turn and the blond looked terrified at the wide smirk that appeared on his little brother's face when he turned to him. "Dare or Dare?" he asked and Simon gaped at him.

"You can't do that!" the blond exclaimed while Dylan chuckled. "That's against the rules!"

"You farted, Simon." Sebastian said with a glare. "On my bloody pillow. When you know my bed is my sanctuary. No one is allowed near it, you knew that and you bloody farted on it like the pig you are." he complained and Simon sighed. 

"I apologized!" he cried out. "It's not my fault we ate beans at dinner that day!"

"I don't care," he said. "Dare or Dare, buddy?"


"Kiss Dylan." Sebastian said with an evil smile resembling his sister's. 

None of them knew they had already kissed. Multiple times. And that was why Simon rolled his eyes at his brother before grabbing Dylan's face and bringing him in a breathtaking kiss. When he pulled away, he saw how Dylan's eyes were glazed over and he held a fucked out look which nearly got Simon to kiss him again. The blond looked back to his brother only to see him shocked but still holding some amusement. 

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