Chapter 14.

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"Is he going to be alright?" The brunette asked when Jeff was done patching the blond up who was now lying down on a bed, resting. He still hadn't woken up and it worried everybody. He didn’t look good at all, his usual pale skin was paler and even in his sleep, he seemed to be in pain. The sight hurt Thomas more than he cared to admit.

"I'm not sure.."

"What do you mean, you're not sure?" Thomas asked, annoyed. They had brought Newt to them because they were the ones supposed to find out if he was gonna make it or not. And now they were telling him they had no idea whether or not he was going to be alright?

"Hey, dude, I got my job the same way you did, alright?" Jeff replied, offended. "I try my best here so don't start getting all worked up on me, good that?"


"Yeah, whatever, it's fine." Jeff said before walking out of the shack, leaving the brunette alone with the unconscious second in command. 

Thomas sighed and sat down in the chair placed by Newt's bedside. He didn't understand why he cared so much. Yes, he did find the blond attractive. But that didn't mean he accepted all the crap the other was giving him for no apparent reason all the time. 

Thomas wasn't an asshole nor was he heartless so, of course, he had ran to his aid. But why was he sitting by the other's bedside, watching over him like a sad puppy ever since they had arrived. He was pathetic. Especially knowing full well Newt would never do the same for him, that he would never care as he did.

The brunette's eyes drifted to the blond's face, a frown decorating his forehead as Thomas realized he was struggling in his sleep. Newt's eyes were shut tightly, his breathing heavier than it used to be and he had started sweating. The sight troubled the brunette who didn't notice his own hand reaching up to the blond's head before running a soothing hand in the blond locks, massaging the boy's scalp gently. 

His actions seemed to be successful as Newt calmed down, laying there, no frown in sight as he slept peacefully. And so, even though Thomas had realized what he was doing, he also noticed how it was working and kept at it for a few hours before it was time to eat. He stood up reluctant to leave but walked away still, trying his best not to look back as he knew he would sit back down by the blond's side if he did. 





As Newt couldn't move for a while, he was brought to his and Thomas' bed by Clint and Jeff, ordered to stay there for as long as his leg needed to heal. But not being able to do anything led to the blond finding new ways to annoy Thomas whenever he was on his day off.

He would take a lot of fun calling the brunette over and then tell him he forgot what he wanted to ask. He would call him only to tell him he wasn't doing his job right which he could have just yelled instead of having Thomas walk all the way to the blond and back. But where was the fun in that? 

And Thomas didn't say anything. He never complained once and always went to Newt even though he knew he would go for nothing but some new creative bullshit from Newt. And every time, he walked back with a sigh and a mumbled shuckface before going back to work to be interrupted an hour later by the same boy over and over again. But while he was doing this, Newt was happy. He was entertained and didn't think about the things that got him to climb up that damn wall and jump. And that was enough to ease Thomas' mind. 

It was around a month later when Thomas woke up in the middle of the night, wincing at the elbow biting harshly into his ribs. The brunette sighed in annoyance and looked to the culprit's side, expecting to see him smirking back at him, as he usually would, only to find him wearing nothing but worry and relief on his face as he looked back at Thomas with teary eyes. 

Simon Shuckface BrownWhere stories live. Discover now