Challenge Day

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In the Palace

       Since it was the day a new king of Wakanda would be crowned the palace was buzzing with activity. As Luna and Shuri made their way through the palace Luna got many odd stares which she was used to considering that many people of Wakanda had never seen an outsider before much less one with Luna's tanned complexion or vibrant eyes. Shuri suddenly pulled Luna into a private room "You are going to love what I picked out for you to wear to the ceremony." Shuri              said opening a door and letting a flood of workers come in carrying various items of clothing as well as hair tools. They quickly greeted the princess and Shuri began giving them instructions in their native language, four different women surrounded Luna and escorted her to a corner of the room with a chair and a privacy curtain that they closed as soon as reached their destination.

      The minute the curtain closed Luna was sat in the chair and two of the woman began brushing and styling her long, black hair while other two started painting white dots around her eyes and other parts of her face. "Beautiful" One of the women complimented her when they were finished with the face dots, "Thank you." Luna replied graciously as the other two women completed her hair style which was an intricate braid that had gold cuffs throughout the braid.               Before Luna could fully admire the beauty of it the woman began tugging at her dress "Off." one of the more mature looking women commanded. "Oh right sorry. I'm not used to people dressing me." Luna said sheepishly before stripping out of her dress. In a flurry of movement the four women began putting on different parts of the garment as well as attaching the accessories. It was over before Luna could even process what was happening and it honestly made her head spin a bit, the women quickly pulled a mirror in front of Luna to show her the completed outfit. 

          Luna gaped in amazement at her reflection, she was dressed in a long skirt with slits going up to her hips exposing her legs printed with the Wakanden symbols for the Golden Tribe which is the tribe that represented the royal family. There were several strings of colored beads that were around her waist and resting over her hips accentuating her figure, at the top was a simple strapless top in the same pattern as the skirt that exposed her midriff. Around her neck was a                 choker that had a complex beaded pattern and on her upper arms were two cuffs with the same type of intricate beading. On her face she has 3 white dots on each of the bottom outer corners of her eyes, she also had two dots on the tail ends of each of her eyebrows which made her green eyes pop. Luna also had a string of dots going down the center of her forehead with 3           horizontal stripes on the bridge of her nose and finally a solid white stripe going from her          bottom lip to her chin. "Wow." Luna breathed out, "I take it you like what I picked out?"  Shuri said from behind Luna. "It's amazing Shuri." Luna gushed, "I know. Now come on we have to meet Mother and board the boats to get to where the challenges are held." She replied before looping her arm with Luna's. Luna took a moment to look at Shuri's ceremonial outfit "Never thought I'd see you in a corset Shuri." Luna lightly teased. "Enjoy it because after today you never will again." She declared making Luna laugh as they were escorted to the boats.

At the falls

         Luna stood with the royal family as well as the Dora Milaje while the royal flyer came down releasing T'challa, the crowd grew quiet as Zuri began the ceremony. "I, Zuri, Son of Badu, give to you prince T'challa the Black Panther." Zuri said in a booming voice. T'challa then made a motion with his weapons and knelt down into the water. "The prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away." Zuri continued putting a bowl to T'challa's lips. As he finished the drink his eyes became red and his breathing labored but it was quickly over and T'challa straightened back up. "That didn't look pleasent." Luna thought to herself as the crowd said something Luna didn't understand.  "Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne." Zuri said gesturing to T'challa. Each respected tribe gave their answer, they will not challenge today; Luna breathed a sigh of relief at hearing their answers. "Is there any member of a royal blood who wishes to challenge for the throne?" Zuri asked, Shuri suddenly raised her hand and crowd gasped and began talking quietly. Luna looked at Shuri confused because she has said many times she is glad T'challa is taking the throne so she won't be bothered and can keep working in her lab.                  "This corset is really uncomfortable so can we all just wrap it up and go home." Shuri said causing the crown to rolled their eyes while Romanda pinched Shuri, Luna let out a giggle as Shuri was disciplined by her mother. The moment was broken by a bunch of large men emerging from a tunnel making noises that sounded like a gorilla, " Are they Jabari?" Shuri asked. "Yes." Romanda replied shakily. The one with the gorilla mask approached Zuri and T'challa, "M'baku. What are you doing here?" Zuri asked. "Its challenge day." M'baku replied casually before addressing the crowd. "We have watched and listened from the mountains. We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child." M'bakua said pointing his staff at Shuri. The Dora Milaje pointed their spears at him while Romanda put her arm in front of Shuri and Luna did the same while taking a step forward. "Who scoffs at tradition." He finished slowly lowering his staff. "And now you want to hand the nation over to this prince who could not even keep his own father safe and has allowed an outsider to freely roam our lands. We will not have it, I say we will not have it. I,M'baku, leader of the Jabari will," "I accept your challenge M'baku." T'challa said interrupting him.

       T'challa and M'baku took their positions and had their respective guards surrounding them in a semi-circle. Zuri placed a panther mask over T'challa's face while M'baku put back on his gorilla mask and the challenge began. M'baku got in the first hit but T'challa quickly retaliated by kicking him in the chest, M'baku took another swing which T'challa blocked with his shield. T'challa took a swing at him with his weapon but M'baku used his staff to knock T'challa's legs out from under him causing him to fall into the water. Luna bit her lip and clenched her hands as he fell into the water fighting back the urge to run to him, she knew better than to interfere. T'challa quickly got back up but without his shield or his weapon, that worried Luna even more, "Where is your God now?" M'baku asked as the Dora Milaje and Jabari guards began closing in on them. M'baku took a swing with his staff again but T'challa grabbed it and flipped over it effectively kicking M'baku in the face. He recovered quickly and swung his staff which T'challa dodged and delivered several blows with his fists to M'baku's face and side. "Yes!" Luna exclaimed while the rest of the crowd cheered but it didn't last long because M'baku managed to trap T'challa between his staff and himself and began viciously headbutting him. "No powers, no claws, no special suit. Just a boy not fit to lead!" M'baku said between blows. 

        "Show him who you are!" Ramonda shouted to T'challa, he then headbutted M'baku back stunning him before landing several blows to his face breaking his mask and allowing T'challa to break free of his hold. M'baku wiped the blood off his face before stabbing T'challa in the shoulder with the pointed end of his staff letting out a monstrous battle cry. Luna let out a gasp of horror as tears welled up in her eyes, she gripped Shuri's hand for support as T'challa cried "I am prince T'challa, son of King T'chaka!" "You can do this T'challa." Shuri shouted. As M'baku took another swing with his staff T'challa quickly ducked down and brought his knee down on M'baku's thigh causing him to fall to his knees and when he did T'challa took the opportunity to kick him in the face again knocking him back before T'challa used his legs to wrap around M"baku's throat grabbing him in a choke hold at the edge of the falls. "Yield don't make me kill you."T'challa said "I would rather die." M'baku "You have fought with honor now yield, your people need you." He said as the guards began closing in and crowd began chanting T'challa's name. "Yield man." T'challa said one final time before M'baku tapped T'challa's leg signaling that he has yielded.

          The crowd broke out into a roaring cheer as T'challa stood up victorious, "I now present to you King T'challa!" Zuri happily announced placing the necklace that signifies him as a king onto T'challa's neck. Luna smiled with pride and relief and she celebrated his victory with Shuri and Ramonda, after the necklace was placed around T'challa's neck he made an X with his arms across his chest and proudly shouted "Wakanda Forever." The crowd mimicked the gesture and shouted the same thing, T'challa locked eyes with Luna as he gazed at the crowd, she gave him a bright smile filled with love and pride then blew him a kiss. T'challa's smile grew just a bit bigger.

A/N: Lord that took forever but its finally finished I hope you enjoy and if your reading this on mobile I apologize if it looks odd I typed this up on my laptop because Wattpad kicked me out of my account on my phone. Until next time my lovely readers <3      

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