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One week later

Beep!Beep!Beep! Luna groaned as she rolled over in her bed to turn off her alarm. She sat up after turning off the annoying beeping and grabbed her phone to check it. There was a text from T'challa that said good morning and also he would be arriving to New York from Wakanda at 3pm. Luna quickly typed out a response before getting out of bed, it was currently 9am so that gave Luna anout 6 hours before T'challa's arrival and 10 hours before the awards show.
Luna had a plan to meet with Ava at the nail shop at 12pm to get their nails and feet done for the awards show so that left plenty of time for her to get back home and greet T'challa when he arrives. She still have some time to kill before she had to meet Ava so Luna decided to make a nice breakfast then have a long, hot bath to relax herself and get ready for the day. Walking to her kitchen she decided on a simple breakfast of eggs,bacon, and toast with a smoothie. She got all the necessary ingredients out and set them out on her island before there was a knock at the door. "Who is that?" Luna asked herself walking to the door at glancing out the peephole.
Outside her door was a delivery man holding a bouquet of roses and white lilies, confused Luna opened the door. "Are you Ms. Luna Rivers?" The man asked, "Yes." She answered confused. "These are for you." He said handing her the bouquet of flowers before turning and walking away. Luna shut the door with the flowers in hand before walking back to the island, Luna did a quick scan of the flowers looking for a note or something to indicate who they were from but found nothing.
"Maybe the guys at the studio sent them." Luna reasoned before placing the flowers in a vase and went back to making her breakfast brushing it off. Luna connected her phone to her Bluetooth speaker and started playing Fall out Boy's Thnks Fr Th Mmrs as she began cooking her eggs and bacon. After those were done Luna grabbed some frozen strawberries,blueberries, and bananas and threw them in the blender with some almond milk. After putting everything away Luna sat down and enjoyed her breakfast while scrolling through Twitter to see her page blowing up with people tagging her and asking questions about the awards show tonight.
Yes, Luna was considered famous in the radio world because her voice could drag in listeners and she was the host for one of the top radio stations in the country. She was extremely blessed and happy all her hard work paid off. Finishing her breakfast she put her dishes in the sink ,making a note to clean them later, she went to the bathroom to start her bath. Luna adjusted the temperature to her liking before going to her closet while the tub filled up to pick her outfit to wear to the nail shop. She picked a simple pair of ripped denim shorts with a plain white tee and a pair of black flats with an ankle strap, setting the clothes on the sink Luna turned off the water and stripped before slipping her body into the hot water letting out a sigh.
She closed her eyes as she rested her head on the back of the tub and began to let her mind wonder. Her mind went straight to Erik, ever since that day at the mall she couldn't help but wonder about the possibility of him still being alive. Of course she had always thought about the possibility ever since he disappeared 6 years ago but she always wondered how she'd react if she found out he was still alive. Would she be angry? Happy? Relieved? Luna didn't know but she did feel a stab of guilt thinking about it because if Erik was alive then what about T'challa?
Luna shook her head "What am I thinking? Erik is gone even if he was alive he abandoned me." She thought. Yes, Erik was a lot of firsts for Luna. He was her first love,her first husband,and the first man she ever made love with but that was all in the past now, she had sweet,loving T'challa now and he's all she needs now and forever. Luna huffed at the ridiculous idea she'd ever have to choose between them as she sunk lower into the bathtub as she started thinking about tonight.
Luna was so nervous to be announcing to the world she was dating T'challa, not that she was ashamed of being with him but she was worried how the world would react to the news. Despite being a famous radio show host Luna hated the limelight, she hates how the world will put you under a microscope and let millions of people judge your smallest imperfections. So she knows putting her relationship out there is giving the world free reign to poke and prod at her and T'challa's relationship.
"Screw what the world thinks." Luna said as she stood up to get out of the tub. "If T'challa loves me and thinks I'm good enough then that's all I care about." She thought as she quickly dried herself off with a towel before getting dressed in the outfit she picked out. Luna checked the time and saw she had 45 minutes to get to the nail salon, "Shoot I didn't know I was in there that long." Luna said quickly throwing her hair in a braid and put on deodorant and perfume. She then grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

2 hours later

It was current 2:55pm and Luna was standing on the roof of her apartment complex waiting for T'challa to arrive. While she waited, Luna admired her freshly manicured nails that were painted a beautiful red color until suddenly she felt a strong wind blow her hair back. She looked up to see nothing but she knew the quinjet was there it's cloaking system was just on at the moment. The ramp let down onto the roof and T'challa began his descent down the ramp.
Luna stayed in her spot watching him with a smile, "Hey Stranger you lost?" Luna asked flirtatiously. "No I'm exactly where I want to be." T'challa answered back as he made his way to stand in front of her. Luna blushed at his reply "Welcome back hun." Luna said getting on her tip toes to peck his lips. "Great to be back my love." T'challa replied before snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her to his body. "I missed you." T'challa said before giving her a full fledged kiss. "I missed you too." Luna said when they broke apart. She pulled out of his embrace and grabbed his hand pulling him toward the entrance to the complex "Come on pretty boy we've got a show to get ready for." Luna said playfully. T'challa smiled as he let her lead him into the building "Lead the way my love." He said his eyes holding nothing but love and happiness from being reunited with his love.

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