Seeking Approval

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"My prince, we are home." Okoye said as Wakanda came up on the horizon. "This never gets old." T'challa said as they flew through the barrier that protected Wakanda. They flew over the high tech city before landing on the platform of the palace, as the ramp let down standing on the platform was T'challa's mother and sister as well as some of the Dora Milaje who quickly crossed their arms over their chest in a greeting salute.
T'challa and Okoye walked down the ramp and approached his mother and sister.
"Welcome home my son." Ramonda said to her son, "Good to be home mother." T'challa replied giving his mother a kiss. "Hello brother, did you bring Luna with you?" Shuri asked excitedly, "I'm starting to suspect you love her more than me. No I didn't this time but she says hi and I will be bringing her here when I am to be crowned king." T'challa answered.
Shuri looked a bit disappointed Luna wasn't with him this time but quickly perked up at hearing she'll be here next time. "So my son what brings you home so early? I thought you were going to be gone a couple more days." Ramonda asked T'challa. Okoye looked at him with a knowing look as he grabbed his mother's hands. "I came home to seek the council's approval. Mother I wish to marry Luna and have her be my queen." T'challa declared anticipating his mother's reaction. The Queen Mother smiled wide her eyes shining "My son that brings my heart joy, Luna will make an excellent queen. You have my full support." Ramonda said. "Thank you mother." T'challa said smiling. "Luna's going to be my sister." Shuri exclaimed happily.
"However T'challa while you may have our support the council will be a completely different matter. They do not know Luna the way we do, to them she is just another outsider." Ramonda said. "I know mother but I am determined to receive their approval on this even if they say no I will change their minds about her. Nothing is going to stop me from being with her." T'challa said with determination.
      Ramonda gave a small smile "You are going to make a wonderful king my son." She said, "Thank you mother but I must go now to prepare to meet the council." T'challa replied. "Of course my son." Ramonda said. With that T'challa made his way into the palace to make himself presentable for the council meeting and to call Luna and inform her he made it home.

In the throne room

"Thank you for coming here today. I wish to discuss an important matter with all of you." T'challa said in his native language. The elders murmured with curiosity before T'challa raised his hand to them to quite down. "As you know I will be crowned king soon and I wish to seek your approval to marry an outsider." T'challa said crossing his arms behind his back. The elders gasped in surprise, "Absolutely not. You will be tainting the royal blood line." The elder from the merchant tribe spoke up. The others murmured in agreement.
"Who is this woman anyway?" The leader of the river tribe asked in Xhosa, "Her name is Luna Rivers, an American woman I have been seeing for the past two years. I love her as much as I love my country and my people." T'challa explained. W'Kabi spoke up suddenly "Why don't you let her speak for herself? Bring her here and let her speak to us then we will decide." He said "I support you T'challa but we know nothing of this woman. We need to see if she will uphold our way of life and be good to Wakanda and its people." W'Kabi continued. The elder from the mining tribe interjected "I agree,let us met this woman and then we will decide if she is suitable to be queen." She said. The elders all spoke and agreed they wished to meet her before deciding if T'challa could marry her.
"Very well, I will bring her to you the day I am to be crowned king. However I am sure you will love her just as much as my family and I do. T'challa said smiling.

In Shuri's Lab

T'challa made his way to his sister's lab to see if she knew where his mother was and tell them what happened at the council meeting. When he entered Shuri's lab he called out to her "I'm over here brother." She answered from her sand table. T'challa saw she was working on some blueprints as he walked up to her, "So what did the elders say? Did they say you could marry Luna?" Shuri asked impatiently her eyes shining, T'challa sighed before answering "They wish to meet her before they make a decision to see if she will make a suitable queen and if she will be good for Wakanda and its people." T'challa told her.
"Brother you and I both know Luna will easily win them over when they see who she is as a person. The elders might as well have just said yes." Shuri reassured him. T'challa smiled at her words "I know I'm confident they will love her just as I do." He said. "Ok so when can we go over the design for her engagement ring?" Shuri asked smiling.
"Let's hold off on that until its almost time for her to be here. Do you know where mother is I wish to tell her the news." T'challa asked.
Shuri turned back to her sand table, "She's is in the garden." She answered. "But before you go brother I want to show you something." Shuri added. She tapped away at her sand table before a screen popped up in front of them, on the screen was a live stream of the studio where Luna's job was and the camera was trained on Luna before the camera man started speaking "And here we have our lovely host Luna Rivers." He said before Luna looked up from her papers and smiling at the camera.
Luna was dressed in business casual attire with a pair of tight fitted red plaid pants, a white V-neck t-shirt with a black blazer and matching black stilettos. Her long hair was pulled up in a sleek ponytail, "So Ms.Rivers who will you be interviewing today?" The cameraman asked, "Well today I will be interviewing the latest NBA draft pick Micheal Williams." Luna responded "He should be here any second so I must head to the studio to set up. Bye you guys." She continued before waving at the camera and walking away.
"As much as I love seeing my bride to be, why are you showing me this?" T'challa asked Shuri. "Because the comments are hilarious brother. They are being what the Americans call thirsty over Luna." Shuri said with a laugh before pulling up the comments.
Many were simply emojis like the heart eyes emoji or different colored hearts but a few caught T'challa's attention like "Is she single?" Or "Id risk it all for her. There were others that were more vulgar like "She could step on my neck with those heels and I'd say thank you." Or "I'd love to get my hands on her." T'challa grunted in disgust "Americans really have no shame. I can't wait until she comes to live here in Wakanda." He said, "Well I am off to tell mother the news. Goodbye sister." T'challa continued before giving her the Wakanda salute. "Goodbye brother." She responded as he walked out the lab.

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