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In Luna's dream

Luna was just walking in a never ending dark room with no clear destination in her mind when suddenly she heard a voice say her name, a voice she thought she'd never hear again. "Erik?" Luna said confused quickly turning around, standing there was indeed Erik but T'challa was also beside him. "T'challa what are you doing here?" She asked but he didn't respond. "Why did you betray me Lulu? You said you'd wait for me." Erik asked his voice echoing. "I didn't betray you Erik. I thought you were dead." She said with tears in her eyes.
"LIES!" He suddenly shouted making Luna jump. "You didn't betray me huh? Then why is he in our bed huh?" Erik continued pointing a long spear at T'challa. "Why did you give what is rightfully mine to him?! Your body, your love, your heart, all of that belongs to me!" Erik asked still shouting. "You fucking left Erik. What was I supposed to do Erik, spend my entire life mourning you? You knew how much I wanted a family, I still do and I wasn't going to let your disappearance stop me!" Luna shouted back.
Erik chuckled with a sinister look on his face "Don't worry baby I'll still give you the family you always wanted, once I kill this fool who took you away from me!" Erik exclaimed before stabbing T'challa in the chest. "NO!" Luna screamed in horror and agony as T'challa's body fell to the floor then suddenly as Erik started to approach her the room morphed into flames all around them. When Erik made his way to Luna he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to his chest "Let me go you Monster!" Luna yelled struggling to get away.
"Let you go? I'm never doing that again Lulu besides take a look around this monster is all you have left." Erik said tauntingly. Luna quickly looked around before gasping in sheer horror, littered on the floor around them were the bloody bodies of everyone she cares about. Shuri, Ramonda, Okoye, and T'challa all of them dead on the ground "I killed them all baby, he took what I cared about most in this world so I took away everything he ever cared about." Erik said making Luna sick to her stomach. He grabbed her chin forcing her to look in his eyes "Now that I have my queen, I'll be taking his throne and country next!" He said with a maniacal laugh that echoed through the entire room before the flames swallowed them up.
Luna jerked straight up out of her sleep panting and look around in fear, she quickly calmed down when she realized she was in her bedroom with T'challa sleeping peacefully at her side his back turned to her. She looked over at her clock on the night stand to see it read 3:30am, Luna quietly slipped out of bed to not wake T'challa and walked to the bathroom. Turning on the water in the sink she splash her face with water before looking in the mirror gripping the counter. The image of T'challa's, Shuri, Ramonda, and Okoye's bodies flashed into her mind making Luna bow her head and started crying.
She quickly sat down of the toilet to keep herself from collapsing, she was gasping for breath as she tried to sob quietly. Her anxiety was running rampant and she felt like she couldn't breath. "Darling whats wrong?!" T'challa asked alarmed as he burst in that bathroom rushing over to kneel infront of her.
Luna couldn't answer, she couldn't breath the room was spinning and T'challa's voice was muffled to her ears. "Luna focus on me. Follow my voice and breath." T'challa said, she slowed her breathing and soon her anxiety was calmed down but she was still crying.
T'challa wrapped her in a hug as she cried in his shoulder clinging to him for dear life. "My love tell me what happened? Why are you so distraught?" T'challa asked. Luna collected herself to speak "H-he killed you. He killed everyone, Shuri, your mother, Okoye. Then he said he'd take your throne and Wakanda a-and he was going to take me as his queen." Luna hiccuped. "Who did? My love I'd never let anyone take you or hurt my family." T'challa reassured. "It was Erik. He said I betrayed him and that you took what rightfully belonged to him so you were going to pay. T-then he killed you all of you." Luna sobbed.
"My love, Erik is gone he can't hurt any of us. It was just a bad dream." T'challa said attempting to calm her. "No!" Luna standing up and beginning to pace, "He still alive." She continued "How do you know that?" T'challa asked "Because I saw him!" Luna shouted making him stop cold. "Where? My love you could be mistaken." T'challa tried to reason. "No I remember the face of the man I married. When I was shopping for my dress for the awards show, when I walked out of the dressing room I felt eyes on me. I look out the window of the shop and I swore I saw him. But when I walked out he was already gone." Luna said frantically. T'challa walked up and wrapped his arms around
"Shhh its ok my love. Even if he is still alive I will protect you." He said soothingly. "That man in my dream was not my Erik. It was a monster, T'challa please don't let him take me." Luna begged. "Never my love." He swore, his heart aching to see her this way. "Let's go back to bed my love." T'challa said leading her out of the bathroom and back to the bed. "What if I have another nightmare?" Luna asked nervously. "I'll be right here darling." He reassured as they crawled back into bed. "Hold me?" She asked, T'challa wrapped her in an embrace as she sighed feeling like she was safe from the entire world. They both slowly drifted back off to sleep and Luna did not have another nightmare.

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