Back to Wakanda

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The next morning Luna was packing for her trip to Wakanda with T'challa. She knew Wakanda was hotter than New York so she was packing a bunch of light, flowy sundresses to wear as well as sleepwear and other necessities. T'challa was standing in the door way silently watching her "Staring is rude sweetie." Luna chastised with her back still turned to him. "I'm not staring I am simply admiring your beauty." T'challa fired back before walking into the room to stand by her.
Luna zipped up her suitcase with a smile tugged at her lips "Nice one." She replied turning to face him "So when are we leaving hun?" Luna asked. "Okoye shall be here shortly." T'challa answered before his face dropped to a serious expression. "Are you alright my darling?" T'challa asked concerned. Luna sighed in annoyance before replying " Yes! For the 50th time T'challa. It was just a nightmare like you said." She said.
"I know darling but I have never seen you so distraught before, you can't blame me for being concerned." T'challa shot back calmly.
"Well how would you feel if you thought you caught a glimpse of your ex husband you thought died 6 years ago then had a horrible nightmare about him killing everyone you love?" Luna asked crossing her arms. T'challa placed his hands on her shoulders "Let's not argue my dear. Today is a special day." He said trying to ease her anger. Luna sighed and uncrossed her arms before placing her hand on T'challa's cheek "You're right hun today is special so let's not fight." She agreed.
"I almost forgot my dear but the council wishes to meet with you." T'challa informed her. "Why? Does this have something to do with what you discussed with them on your last trip to Wakanda?" Luna asked. T'challa hesitated before answering "Yes but it is nothing serious, they just wish to meet you to make sure you are no threat to Wakanda or it's people." He explained calmly. "We've been together over 2 years if I was planning on attacking Wakanda I would have did it a long time ago." Luna said jokingly.
"I know my dear but it would ease the council's mind if they meet you." T'challa replied smiling. "Ok. When will I be meeting them?" Luna asked, "After I am crowned king." T'challa answered "Now let's head up to the roof, Okoye will be here any minute." He continued.

On the Roof

Not long after the two had made it to the roof with their luggage the quinjet was touching down in stealth mode. The ramp lowered down to reveal Okoye, "My King." She said greeting T'challa. "Hello again, Luna it is good to see you." She continuted throwing Luna a rare smile. "Good to see you too Okoye." Luna greeted before grabbing her bag and allowing T'challa to escort her on the air craft with his hand on her lower back. After getting settled in the air craft they were on their way back to Wakanda, "My mother and sister are excited to see you again my dear, I'm sure Shuri is going to snatch you away the minute you step off the ship." T'challa said humorously. Luna smiled before replying "I've missed them too and I have no doubt she will but I don't mind. It gives me something to do while you're off doing your princely preparations for the ceremony."
"You will have your own preperations for the ceremony as well since you will be attending." T'challa informed her. Luna quickly snapped her head over to him in shock "I-is that allowed? I mean I'm an outsider, won't your people be mad I'm attending such a sacred tradition?" Luna asked worriedly. T'challa quickly grabbed her hands feeling her anxiety spike and held them in his,"My dear there is no one I want to be there more than you plus I think my mother and sister would 'kick my ass' as you say if I didn't have you there." He said laughing a bit. Luna breathed out a sigh of relief while letting out a little laugh of her own, "Sorry, I'm just nervous but its just so much easier to forget you're royalty when its just us in my little New York apartment. Don't get me wrong I love your country and everything about it but when I'm there with you I always feel like I have to prove I'm worthy to be with you."Luna confessed.
T'challa's eyes softened with her confession before gathering her in his arms and giving her a tight hug,"I understand how you would feel that way my darling but I promise you that you have nothing to prove to me nor my people. You have seen me in my darkest times and have never judged me or allowed that to change the way you see me instead you simply loved and supported me through them and for that I am honored to call you mine." T'challa finished before giving Luna a kiss on the forehead.
Before Luna could reply Okoye had interrupted them by announcing that they had arrived in Wakanda, Luna and T'challa both walked toward the front of the ship to watch their decent into Wakanda. "This never gets old.'Luna said with a smile as they flew through the barrier, T'challa was watching Luna with a soft,loving expression as her face lit up seeing his country. As the ship began it's decent onto the platform T'challa, Luna and Okoye made there way to stand infront of the exit after the ship had landed the ramp slowly opened and the sight that greeted them was the Dora Milaje standing at attention in two rows on either side of the platform and near the palace stood the Queen Mother and Princess Shuri.
The three of them made their way down the ramp and walked down to the two women at the end of the platform,"Luna!" Shuri exclaimed excitedly before going up to give her a big hug,"It's good to see you again Shuri."Luna said hugging her back before addressing T'challa's mother. "Good to see you as well Queen Mother." Luna said moving to clasp her hands with hers. "It is good to have you back my dear. I'm so glad you will be joining us for T'challa's coronation. Hopefully you will be joining us for many more traditions in the future" Ramonda said with a smile while giving T'challa a side eye. T'challa shifted under his mother's gaze before clearing his throat "Shouldn't Luna be getting fitted for her ceremonial outfit sister?" He asked quickly changing the subject, "Oh my Bast yes! Come Luna I have designed your ceremonial outfit to perfection!" Shuri eclaimed with excitement before grabbing Luna's arm and dragging her toward the palace.
Luna pulled her arm away from Shuri for a second and turned to T'challa giving him a quick kiss "I'll see out there my love, good luck." she told him sweetly before Shuri began dragging her away again mumbling that she can suck face with her brother later before disappearing into the palace. T'challa smiled before turning to his mother "Can't you more subtle Mother? I don't want Luna getting suspicious before I get the council's approval." T'challa said pouting. " I'm sorry my son, I'm just excited for you to propose. Your father and I would talk about this day all the time but we never expected it would be the same day you claim a wife." Ramonda said as her, T'challa, and the Dora Milaje began walking towards the palace to begin preparing for the ceremony. "A lot is at stake today Mother. The throne,my love, the very future of Wakanda, I can't help but be a bit nervous." T'challa confessed. Ramonda stopped and turned to her son " Do not worry my son, your father and Bast shall be with you today and they will insure everything will work out. Now go out there and become the King of Wakanda and then bring Wakanda's queen to us." She said with conviction. T'challa smiled "I will Mother." He replied before leaving with the guards to his chambers to begin preparing for the ceremony.

A/N: Holy shit its been forever since I updated this story. I'm so sorry for the wait but so much happened that kept me away like being locked out of my wattpad account but I got it back and I'm ready to continue this story. I am determined to finish this story especially with the Black Panther sequel's looming release and Chadwick Bosemen's passing (RIP). I hope you'll stick around to see the story unfold, Happy reading my friends <3

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