A Kiss Goodbye

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Luna and T'challa spent the rest of the day going to their favorite places in New York. However, nightfall came all too quickly for Luna and soon they were standing outside on the roof of Luna's apartment complex waiting for Okoye to pick T'challa up in the quinjet.
     "Are you gonna be back in time to be my date to the Radio Show Awards your majesty?" Luna asked teasingly. "Of course my dear I wouldn't miss it for the world." T'challa replied circling his arms around Luna's waist to hug her from behind. "Good but don't fret if you can't I've got plenty of other men lined up just dying to take me." Luna continued to tease as she rested her hands on his. "Now I will definitely make sure I'm there." T'challa said laughing while gripping her tighter around the waist.
     Luna leaned her head back on his chest and sighed "I'm going to miss you." She said. "I will miss you as well my dear but I will be back before you know it." T'challa said placing a kiss on top of her head. Luna hummed in acknowledgment leaning more into his warmth feeling happy and content.
      Telling T'challa about Erik lifted a huge weight off Luna's shoulders, she felt closer to him now more than ever. "Maybe now I can finally let go of Erik and love T'challa completely. He deserves all of me not just parts of me." Luna thought to herself looking up at T'challa. 
      "What? Is there something on my face?" T'challa asked with a smile. Luna turned around in his embrace so she was facing him, "No, you're perfect" Luna said looking into his eyes before leaning up on her tip toes to kiss him. T'challa gladly returned the kiss, his heart swelling with love and adoration for her. Ever since they had met Luna made him feel like he was more than just his titles of prince of Wakanda and the Black Panther. When he was with her he felt like an ordinary man with no responsibilities or cares in the world, it was just her and him.
      When the kiss broke they were both panting heavily, their faces mere inches apart as they looked into each other's eyes. "I love you." Luna whispered before pulling him into another kiss. Their lips moved against one another igniting a fire of need within T'challa, he snaked his hand into her hair while locking the other around her hips keeping their bodies close to each other. Luna's arms that were wrapped around T'challa's neck,gripped him tighter before slipping both her hands into his hair.
     As the kiss quickly grew more fervent between the two Luna bit his lower lip causing him to groan, T'challa's hands quickly dropped to the back of her thighs and lifted her up causing Luna to gasp in surprise. He quickly took the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth causing her moan against his lips as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Soon their tongues were battling for dominance, T'challa could feel himself getting aroused as Luna slipped her hands down the back of his shirt to claw at his back. She knew he loved it when she clawed his back during their lovemaking.
"My prince, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Okoye said effectively snapping the two out of their lust-hazed stupor. Their faces jerk away from each other in surprise but a little line of saliva still connected them serving as evidence of what they were just doing. "Hey Okoye." Luna said embarrassed as she unhooked her legs from around T'challa's waist and dropped back down to the ground. "Hello again Luna." Okoye greeted before turning her attention to T'challa "If you need me to come back later my prince I can." Okoye said to him with a teasing smile.
"That won't be necessary Okoye. I'm ready to head back home." T'challa said trying to collect his composure. He bent down and grabbed his bag before turning to Luna "I'll call you when I make it back home. I love you my darling." He told her before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Ok I love you too. Tell Shuri and your mother I said Hi." Luna replied, he nodded then turned to walk up the ramp into the quinjet. It closed up and Luna watched as it took off and disappeared into the sky.
After it disappeared a familiar feeling of anxiety creeped up in Luna's throat but she quickly fought it down. Erik's disappearance left a whole lot more than emotional scars on Luna, she developed abandonment issues which formed into her anxiety that she was feeling now. Luna never really acknowledged the issue until she started dating T'challa two years ago and he had to travel back home. When he left Luna was up all night fearing he was never going to come back and she was never going to see him again just like Erik.
Luna shook her head and quickly turned to the entrance of the rooftop to go back inside her apartment complex. "He'll come back. He always does." Luna reassured herself before closing the door to the rooftop.

On the Quinjet

"Why are you coming home so soon T'challa? You seemed very content where you were." Okoye teased as she steered the jet. "You are not to tell anyone what you saw Okoye. Especially my sister." T'challa said in a serious tone causing Okoye to laugh. "Its not everyday you catch the Crown Prince of Wakanda making out with his American girlfriend like they are teenagers." She continued to tease. "I mean it Okoye. You are to tell no one, especially Shuri." T'challa repeated. "Yes my prince. Now are you going to tell me why you're coming home sooner than expected?" Okoye asked with a smile.
"I wish to speak with the elders. I need their approval." He explained "Approval for what my prince?" She questioned. T'challa took a deep breath in and sighed "As you know I will be crowned King soon and I wish to seek the elders approval to marry an outsider so when I am king, Luna will be my queen." T'challa explained. " I support you my prince, Luna is a wonderful person but I don't think the elders would approve." Okoye said
      "Why not?" T'challa questioned, "She's an outsider,she knows nothing of our customs,she'd have no idea what to do as queen and that is even if she agrees to marry you." Okoye listed. "She can learn in time. Also she will agree to marry me that I am confident in." T'challa replied clasping his hands behind his back. "That is if the elders agree my prince." Okoye remarked. "I don't care what the elders say. Nothing is going to keep me from marrying the woman I love. I would gladly give up the throne if that means I could be with her." T'challa said with finality.
Okoye's eyes widened at his statement but quickly softened "You really love her." Okoye said smiling. "I do. I love her as much as I love my people and country." T'challa said.
      "Very well your highness ." Okoye said

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