Will you?

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A/N: WARNING! There will be smut in this chapter, you've been warned.

Back in Wakanda

      Night quickly fell on Wakanda and Luna was currently submerged in the huge tub that was in T'challa's bathroom surrounded by bubbles. "Ugh I could stay in here forever." Luna groaned sinking further into the water, "That's too bad I was hoping you would join me in bed beloved." T'challa said from the doorway. He was currently dressed in his robe as he approached the tub that Luna was in "I'd gladly join you or you could join me in here." Luna flirted leaning on the edge of the tub. T'challa chuckled as he squatted down to her level, pushing her wet hair out of her eyes "Tempting as that would be my dear, there is something important we need to discuss." T'challa said gazing at her green eyes with fondness and love. "What is it?" Luna asked shifting her body in the water to fully face him. "As you know I'm suppose to be presenting you to the tribe elders tomorrow for them to officially meet you." T'challa began, "However, things have changed and we will have to postpone the meeting." T'challa informed. "Why? What happened? Is it something bad?" Luna asked curiously, "Do you remember the man,Ulysses Klaue, I've told you about?" He asked; "Yes, he's the one that broke into Wakanda and stole your vibranium." Luna replied. "Well he's popped back up on our radar and tomorrow I am meeting with the council to discuss what we're going to do about him." T'challa said before kissing Luna's forehead and standing back up. "I'll leave you to get finished cleaning up beloved, I shall wait for you in our bed." T'challa told her before leaving Luna alone. She relaxed back in the tub breathing a sigh of relief at hearing she doesn't have to face the elders just yet but she knew all this did was prolong the inevitable; the elders were going to take one look at her and say that she was not worthy of their king. Luna quickly got to cleaning herself as a distraction because she knew if she kept thinking about it she'd throw herself into a panic attack. She scrubbed her body and washed her hair before getting out, she dried off her body first then towel dried her hair until it was damp before she slipped on some underwear and a purple satin night dress with black lace trim that T'challa loved on her. 

        Luna exited the bathroom to see T'challa laying in the bed deep in thought, she quickly made her way over before crawling into the bed and cuddling into his side. She rested her head on his bare chest before throwing her leg over his waist "What's on your mind?" Luna asked, T'challa sighed before answering "Do you think I'll be a good king?" "No." Luna answered causing T'challa to look down at her in confusion. "I don't think you'll be a good king, I think you'll be the greatest king this country has ever seen." She continued. T'challa smiled before looking away "There's something else that's bothering you." Luna stated training her eyes on him; T'challa looked at Luna's face and bit his lip feeling conflicted. He wanted nothing more than to rule with her by his side, she had been his strength through so much in the last two years but the one time that stuck out to him was when he lost his father. He remembered after he caught Zemo and turned him over to the authorities T'challa went straight to Luna's apartment where she was waiting for him fully aware of what was going on because of the news. He immediately fell apart in her arms and she just sat there and held him as he cried his heart out until he fell asleep. He recalled waking up the next morning and gazing at her sleeping face with only one thought in his mind, "I'm going to marry you." He whispered caressing her sleeping face. 

          "Challa?" Luna said causing him to snap his attention back to her seeing confusion and worry on her beautiful face. "Sorry my darling I was lost in thought." T'challa said bring a hand up to caress her thigh that was resting on his waist as he gazed into her gorgeous green eyes feeling the intense urge to kiss her. "So what else is bothering you hun?" Luna questioned but T'challa didn't answer instead choosing to lean down and press his lips to Luna's effectively silencing her. Luna while surprised gladly returned the kiss, after a moment they broke apart gazing into each other's eyes. Luna could see love and desire in T'challa's eyes while she stared back with the same look of love and desire for him. "Marry me?" T'challa whispered, Luna suddenly felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown on her as the shock set in "What?" she choked out. T'challa suddenly rolled over so he was on top of her and his lower half rested between her legs, he lowered his head and reconnected their lips moving his against hers before pulling away "Marry me." T'challa repeated before leaning back down to pepper kisses and lavish love bites on her neck and collarbone. Luna struggled to focus as she felt her body reacting to the attention T'challa was giving, her feeling her panties becoming damp as he sucked a love bite on her sweet spot below her ear. "B-but what about the council and your people?" Luna managed to stutter out "I don't care what they think or what they have to say. I am the king I choose my bride." T'challa said "If they don't accept you then I will never marry, I will never sire any heirs. I will let this royal bloodline end with me because I will have no one else but you." he said with finality.

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