9 ~ Trip and I Fall In

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There's nothing for miles except flowers and fields.


"Alright then, what do we name you?" (Y/n) asked the fox.

The fox squeaked, its fur swaying in unison with the trees around them.

"I.. think I understood that! Is that your name?" (Y/n) asked, earning a confused glare from her partner. The fox nodded.

"It didn't say anything."

"No, no! He said his name was Pip!"

"He did?"

"He did!" She exclaimed, cheering and hugging her palisman.

(Y/n) grabbed her mask, about to take if off. A gloved hand seized hers, preventing her from taking her mask off.

"What do you think you're doing?" Her partner asked, sternly. The cheerful mood was now absent and replaced with a serious silence.

"Taking off my mask, it's hot in here. Like an oven."

"We're not supposed to reveal our faces, stupid. Remember? Didn't you hear me yesterday?" The Golden Guard rolled his eyes under his mask. "You'll be punished!"

"Ugh, fine. Titan, are we not supposed to know anything about each other? C'mon, Goldilocks! Tell me something!"

"Alright I'll tell you two things about me! My name is The Golden Guard— not Goldilocks, and I'm The Emperor's right hand man!"

"Fuck off! Come on! Tell me your name! Oh- what if I told you my name first?"

"Then you'd be punished by Belos."

"Why, you gonna snitch?"

"No. But-"

"Then in that case, my name's (Y/n)." She interrupted him in a cheery tone, leaning back on the grass. She smiled at him although he couldn't see it.

(Y/n)... what a beautiful name. The Golden Guard thought to himself. N-no! What're these thoughts?! Titan!

"Are you looking for trouble?" He asked with a playful smirk. "First you try to take your mask off, then you reveal your name??"

"Yeah, why? You want me to take it off again? Wanna see my face, Goldie?" She asked, jokingly with a smirk lying beneath her silver mask.

"Oh yeah, go ahead, show me your face. See what Belos thinks." The Golden Guard teased back.

"Maybe I will." She grinned, taking her mask off.

The Golden Guard gasped and looked away before she could actually fully reveal her face. "You dumbass! I was joking! Do you actually want punishment?!" He yelled as he shielded his eyes. "Oh, don't tell me you're into that!" He cringed.

"No, of course not! Damn, Goldilocks, I'm hurt! You don't wanna see my beautiful face??" She said, fake hurt, putting a hand over her heart.

"I don't want you and your 'beautiful face' to get punished by Belos!" He yelled with a smidge of protectiveness in his voice. Almost as if he knew from experience what the punishment entailed. "Now put your mask back on."

"Ugh, fine. But I wanna know who my partner is! Who he is under the mask, c'mon, Goldilocks! I won't bite~"

The Golden Guard didn't reply. Only reaching for his staff.

Once he had his staff, he propelled (Y/n) into the air, "How about, you stop calling me 'Goldilocks' and I don't drop you into the stream." He smirked, leaving her suspended over the river.

"Then give me your name, Goldilocks." She challenged.

"Call me Goldilocks, one more time. I dare you."

"You won't drop me, you don't have the guts, Goldilocks."

"You don't know me." And in the blink of an eye, (Y/n) was dropped into the stream and was now soaking wet.

"Oh you little-!" She drew an orange circle spell, a wall of ice sprouted from behind The Golden Guard, pushing him to the edge of theriverbed.

"What if I told you, I can't swim? Would you still throw me into the river?"


"Nah you're too nice for tha- WUAGH!" He yelled as he was flung into the river.

(Y/n) smiled devilishly at her partner, taking off her mask.

"What if I actually couldn't swim!" The Golden Guard yelled, turned away from (Y/n) to take off his own mask and wipe his face. "You would've just killed me!"

"Then I become Golden Guard! Mwahahaha! All part of the master plan!" She cackled like a gremlin, earning a smile from The Golden Guard.

He situated his mask back onto his face an turned around, his heart immediately dropped.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!" He yelled, immediately turning away. Pip perked his head up from his nap in surprise.

"What? You don't wanna see my beautiful face in all its glory?" She gleamed with a smirky smile.

"I don't want your beautiful face to be punished!" He continued to yell. His voice was filled with a sense of protectiveness. "I keep saying this but you don't listen!! Titan! You're annoying!"

"Aww, you care about me, Goldilocks~" (Y/n) cooed behind The Golden Guard, making him grow flustered.

"I do not!" He pouted, his back still turned to her.

"Do too,"

"Do not."

"Then what're you gonna do, tell on me~?" She teased, dangerously close to his ear in a sickeningly-sweet voice, bringing a red blush to his face.

"N-no, but-"

"Then look at me buddy!" She jokingly demanded, grabbing his face and turning it to look at herself.

She's.. beautiful. He thought.

"Then, I guess it's my turn..?" He mumbled, thumbing the edge of his mask.

"Only if you want to. I don't wanna force you to if you're not comfortable."

The Golden Guard smiled and lifted his mask off his face.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise.

He's.. handsome. She thought.

His eyes were a shiny magenta, his hair was an ashy blonde, he had a hooked nose and a scar on his cheek.

"You're handsome." (Y/n) blurted without thinking, dazed by his charming looks. The words slipped off the tip of her tongue.

"I um.. Y-you too." The Golden Guard blushed.

"Huh?" She snapped back to reality, "Wait, what did I say?"

"You said I was.. handsome? I- I guess you're pretty or.. something."

(Y/n) felt a blush of embarrassment run across her face. Did she really say that? I mean it was true, but to say it out loud?

In a flash of flustered panic, she splashed him with water.

"Agh! Hey, what was that for?! I gave you a compliment!" He argued, wiping his face off.


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