Chapter 1 - The hospital

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While driving home after my long shift at work, I once again passed the looming figure of the notoriously haunted abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. I had always thought about stopping and exploring, considering I didn't believe in all that bullshit, but I never could build up enough courage to do it.

"Ya know, for someone who doesn't believe in the paranormal, you sure are a chicken shit when it comes to it." My best friend, Kyle, said from the passenger seat of my car.

"Well, I don't see you jumping up and volunteering to go inside." I responded with a laugh.

"One of these days we will stop in and check it out, you wait. And I hope you get the shit scared out of you."

I rolled my eyes at him and just kept driving back to our apartment.

As we got home, I immediately went for a shower, and changed into my pajamas. I sat down on the couch next to Kyle as he handed me a glass of wine and started his favorite show. I rolled my eyes at him when it started.

"Ghost Adventures? Really, Kyle." I said, judgement filling my voice.

"What? It's my favorite show, just because you don't believe doesn't mean I can't." He responded, snatching the popcorn out of my hands in retaliation.

I reached over and grabbed my fluffy blanket, covering myself up and getting cozy to watch this bullshit show with Kyle. There were multiple times I laughed out loud at some of the claims they were making.

"Really? People talking? Pretty convenient that you can't hear it on the audio but they are claiming they could hear it." I said with a laugh.

"Ya know, one of these days you're going to hear some shit and no one is going to believe you." Kyle retorted back at me, pointing his finger.

"Yeah whatever. I'm not worried."

I got up from the couch and made my way to my bedroom to get ready for bed for the night. I had enough of the made up shit Kyle was watching on the TV. As my head hit the pillow, it didn't take my body long to fall fast asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to Kyle bursting through my door. He jumped on my bed and pulled the covers off of me.

"What could you possibly want?! It is a Saturday, meaning we don't work today." I groaned.

"Sarah, I bought us tickets to tour the abandoned hospital." He said, waving his phone in my face showing the receipt for the two tickets he bought.

"You can't be serious. Why would you do that, knowing it can't actually be haunted. It was a waste of money, Kyle."

"Nah, I don't think so. Guess who is going to be there?"

"Oh god, not them."


I groaned loudly before turning over and putting a pillow over my head.

"Hey, you are the one that said Zak was hot!" Kyle yelled at me, tearing the pillow off of my head.

"Just because someone is hot, doesn't mean they are believable." I responded, sitting up in bed since he clearly wasn't going to allow me to go back to sleep.

I got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom to shower. After getting all cleaned up and dressed for the day, choosing to wear a black leather jacket, white shirt, and black leggings paired with a pair of chucks, I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I pulled down the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch we had on top of the fridge and made myself a large bowl of it. As I sat at the small round kitchen table eating my cereal, Kyle's phone began ringing, causing him to come running into the kitchen to grab it.

"Hello?" He answered, excitement filling his voice, "Yes, this is he. Yeah she will be with me tonight. Yes, we would love the opportunity! Thank you so much!"

I raised my eyebrows at him as he hung up the phone.

"What was that all about, and why were you talking about me?" I asked.

"That was Aaron, from ghost adventures, they have asked us to do an all night lockdown with them and I said yes. I put on the notes that you were a skeptic, and I guess they want to change your view on things." Kyle responded, a proud grin spreading across his face.

"Oh, yippee. I get to spend an entire night locked down in an abandoned hospital with total strangers."

"Hot total strangers."

I laughed at him and rolled my eyes, "I don't think any of them are gay, Kyle."

"Oh I know, but I can still look."

I laughed at him before getting up from the table and washing my bowl. As I turned around, my phone started ringing, an unknown number showing up on the screen.

"Hello?" I softly answered, hoping it was just a telemarketer.

"Hi, is this Sarah?" An unfamiliar male voice asked.

"Yes, this is her."

"I saw that you and Kyle have accepted the overnight investigation with us, and was wondering if before you two would like to meet us for lunch so we can get to know you a little better?"

"Uh, sure. Where at?"

"How about Betsy's Diner?"

"Okay. Who am I talking to, by the way. You seem to know my name but you have yet to tell me yours."

"Zak. Zak Bagans."

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