Chapter 5

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Hope's POV: It wasn't often that I catch Lizzie at loss for words. I relished the feeling of having one-upped the woman who always knew exactly how to twist her words to get what she wanted, how to twist my own words and leave me speechless. The expression on Lizzie's face almost made up for the horrible morning I'd had. Almost.

"You want to tell me what you're doing with my number", I demanded, watching Lizzie's body stiffen.

"I-I don't know what you mean", she forced out, before turning away, pretending to watch the show as she subconsciously drew the child closer to her, causing me to snort.

"Don't play dumb, Lizzie. What's going on", I persisted before a loud whistle sounded through the theatre as the lights over the aquarium went off. My weapon was out in a moment, but I could tell that the blackout was intentional as the neon lights and sparkles went off near the pool and the announcer introduced the dolphins one at a time. I breathed through my nose and put my gun away, taking note that Lizzie had drawn the little girl into her lap protectively as if on instinct. "Lizzie, it's not safe here", I warned.

"For who, Hope", she shot back, causing me to clench my jaw.

Most of the others around us were on their feet cheering, it masked the silent battle going on between the two of us. I was antsy on my feet, while Lizzie remained stubbornly seated as if to defy all of my warnings and common sense.

Lizzie glanced up at me sharply, her expression annoyed and perhaps more than a little upset. "You don't have to stay. I told Josie to give you and Penelope the day off", she huffed, causing me to snort as I sat back down stiffly. The child in Lizzie's arms was squealing with delight and straining to see as much of the pool as she could.

"I know, I heard you", I stated as the crown finally got over its initial mania and started to settle back down for the show.

"Listening in on our conversations again? Why am I not surprised", she asked me dryly.

The man next to me jostled me good naturely and pointed toward the pool, causing me to give him a false smile before twisting his arm and stealing his popcorn. He yelped, getting to his feet as I smiled to myself, watching the man stumble over several small children in his attempt to get away from me. We received several curious looks, but I ignored them and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

"You're lucky I did, otherwise you and your daughter would both be dead", I told her, my mouth full of popcorn, causing Lizzie's expression to fall. She was so stunned that she girl was able to wriggle away and lurch forward to clap and squeal as the dolphins flipped through raised hoops.

"She's not my daughter", she forced out, causing me to snort, not believing the blonde for a moment.

"That's too bad. Guess she is an orphan after all", I commented, causing Lizzie to inhale sharply as if she's been punched and closed her eyes.

"Edward and Katie-"

"They're dead", I interrupted, causing her expression to fall. I looked away from her and took another handful of popcorn, glaring pointedly at the boy who turned around to stare.

"They were good people. They didn't deserve...", she trailed off. "Did...did they suffer", she asked me quietly, causing me to grimace. I wasn't going to lie, and I knew Lizzie wouldn't want me to. Lizzie nodded as if she completely understood and shook her head slightly. "Hope, I-"

"Mommy, look", the child exclaimed, tugging on Lizzie's jacket to direct her attention toward the dolphins making their circle around the tank. Lizzie's expression immediately changed into affection as she leaned forward to hold onto the girl's hips and rest her chin on the child's shoulder so she could be as close as possible as she pointed out the three dolphins and babbled away about them.

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