Chapter 6

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Lizzie's POV: Holding Sophie close to my chest, I scanned the parking lot for the quickest way out as Sophie cried uncontrollably. The chaos from the aquarium must have followed us outside, because there were sirens and screaming everywhere. I followed the flow of frightened visitors to avoid standing out. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hope sticking out like a sore thumb as she cut away from the crowd and right to the closest car, all in plain view of the police officers coming our way from the Hotel down the street. I did not have time to deal with Hope's aggressive tactics right now. 

"Come on", Hope shouted, slamming the butt of her gun through the driver's side widow of the nearest sports car. She already had the door open and was brushing the glass from the seat when she realized that I wasn't behind her.

"No, this one", I called over my shoulder, using my elbow to bust out the passenger window of a minivan. I didn't turn to look, but I knew Hope probably rolled her eyes on the way across the street. There was still many families and individuals running around like crazy, masking my more delicate take on vehicular theft. I swept the glass into the street with my free arm and unlocked the van, trying to rock Sophie. 

"No way. It's not fast enough", Hope said.

I ignored her and slid the side door open, trying not to stiffen or turn when I heard the aquarium doors fly open again.

"They went this way", I heard someone shout.

Sophie was still crying and Hope was in the driver's seat cursing under her breath, not really helping the situation. I decided to focus on Sophie. I was finding it hard to get the straps of the car seat to lock with my hands shaking. I took a deep breath and soothed my daughter as best as I could, keeping my voice low and comforting.

"Everything's alright, Princess. You just sit tight. We'll get out of here real soon", I crooned.


Hope's POV: I yanked the rear view mirror down so hard that it snapped off. I tossed it aside in disgust before beginning to work on the wires, making a note to kick Lizzie's ass for making me drive something so detestable. "Mommy", Sophie cried, sputtering half sentences as she tried to express her overwhelming confusion and fear. I tried to ignore it as I used my pocket knife to intertwine the wires. 

"Hey, I think that's them", I heard someone say, causing me to glance up to see a man in the sweat suit talking to one of the police officers. He was pointing in the wrong direction, but I still took it as our cue to get the hell out of here.

"Lizzie, get in the van", I snarled as the wired finally sparked and the engine roared to life. I was already backing up at high speeds as Lizzie jumped in and slammed the side door shut. She stayed crouched next to the car seat where the child was securely strapped in, whispering to her as I tried to get us as far away from the aquarium as possible.

"Everything's alright now, Sophie. Those men are gone, and you're safe with me. It's going to be alright. I promise", Lizzie whispered, kissing Sophie's fist as the child continued to cry and reach for her, straining against the straps that held her in place. 

Despite the circumstances, Lizzie's voice somehow remained strangely calm. I was thankful for that, but I was also surprised at myself. I took calming breaths as Lizzie brushed Sophie's curls away from her tear stained cheeks, humming softly.

"Hope, take a right here", Lizzie said, keeping her voice low as she wiped the tears from Sophie's face. I gripped the wheel tighter as I sped around another corner, itching to turn around to glare at her, but I kept my eyes on the road. There would be time to express my frustration with Lizzie's performance on this mission later, once we were actually out of danger. 

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