Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I own nothing, but the plot.

 Hope's POV: I frowned to myself, walking down another aisle before turning around in confusion. Spotting an employee by the electronics, I sighed in relief before making my way over. "Excuse me, sir", I called out, gaining his attention. "I was wondering if you could tell me where the blankets are", I asked, speaking with a British accent. "I think I'm lost", I admitted, rubbing my neck sheepishly. 

"Of course, they're just over there", he said, gesturing down the aisle.

"I could have sworn...", I mumbled to myself. "Would you mind showing me? I'm a bit confused", I asked him.

"Not a problem", he nodded, before walking down the aisle as I hurried to follow after him. "And here we are", he gestures.

"Thanks, Malcolm", I nodded, smiling gratefully, causing his muscles to tense.

"How did you know my name", he questioned, causing me to smile in amusement.

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a syringe before jabbing it into his neck as his eyes widened in shock. "You should really be grateful", I told him, the emotion draining from my face. "I usually like to drag it out, but I'm kinda on a schedule today. So, it's your lucky day", I hummed as his body crumpled to the ground. Glancing around for any signs of camera's or people, I smiled as I stepped over his body and made my way back toward the entrance.

"I love it when you do accents", I heard Lizzie say, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm on my way back", I answered, in my usual, American accent. "Did Josie erase the footage", I questioned.

"Yeah, she made sure that you were never there", Penelope answered, causing me to nod to myself, satisfied with the answer.

"Try not to kill each other", I sighed.

"No promises", Lizzie sang, hanging up.


Josie's POV: I looked up from my computer as the door swung open, causing me to raise an eyebrow at Hope's bloodied appearance. "Should I even ask", I questioned, as Penelope and Lizzie walked in behind her carrying bags full of cash.

"Hope thought it would be a good idea to blow up an orphanage", Lizzie scoffed, throwing the bags onto the floor as Hope rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't an orphanage", Hope glared. "We tracked down the rest of Malcolm's gang. They were held up in St. John's Orphanage-"

"It was an orphanage", Penelope stated, walking across the room to sit down beside me.

"It wasn't an orphanage", she gritted out. "It was a cover", she pointed out, causing me to hum thoughtfully. "They were selling weapons to the mobs down there", she explained.

"Thanks, Hope. You did good", I reassured.

"Thank you", Hope sighed, laying down on the couch. "At least someone appreciates me, miss Hope blew up the orphanage with her brain", she glared, causing Lizzie to roll her eyes.

"Who was that guy anyway? I thought we were more important than killing some gang members", Penelope questioned.

"He was the governor's cousin", Josie explained.

"Who cares about the governor's cousin", Lizzie asked, scrunching up her eyebrows.

"The governor does", I shrugged, causing Hope's frown to deepen as Penelope smiled in amusement. 

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