Chapter 15

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Hope's POV: There's trouble in the air, stubborn frustration and wounded pride. A stony silence had fallen over the household. Not that I minded. It was actually a relief to have some peace and quiet after such an eventful morning. It gave me the opportunity to reacquaint myself with the beautiful kitchen, and this time I could actually use all of the stainless steel toys and appliances now that we had a decent amount of food. 

I was more than content to give myself over to the busy work of making myself a few gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches while simultaneously pushing all thoughts of Lizzie and the kid from my mind. I had no interest in dwelling too long over anything Lizzie had said. It was the past and it was important so long as it was relevant to the mission, but I didn't want to risk starting up old feelings Lizzie may have over them. 

At least, that's what I keep telling myself. 

I keep telling myself that I needed to know about Sophie, the information could be important in finding out who sent the hit, but everything about Lizzie was just too much. 

The twins had always been a mystery to me. 

When we first met, Josie was practically a ray of sunshine. She always seemed to carry around this childlike sense of wonder around her that got her into more situations that I was able to keep up with. I didn't know how to feel when I met her, but something just seemed to pull me in. Penelope managed to help her calm down a little over the years, but I could always notice the sparkle in her eyes when she managed to learn something new. 

I met Lizzie a few months after my parents' death. Penelope, Josie, and I had already started forming our little group when the girl had walked in as if she owned the place. I didn't wait for any explanation before I pulled my gun on the girl. Back then, I would usually shoot first and ask questions later, but there was something about this girl that made me hesitate. Maybe it was the way that Penelope had looked up, and stared at the blonde as if seeing a ghost, or maybe it was the way that Josie's eyes seemed to almost sparkle with happiness.

Lizzie had always been different than her sister. Although she seemed to carry the same childlike sense of wonder, there also seemed to be a darkness swirling beneath her blue orbs. Unlike Josie, she was always cautious when it came to trusting people. 

She was always there, like a thorn in my side, even when she wasn't physically right next to me. 

I liked our casual loathing that was sometimes put on hold for brief missions. We always had an understanding that didn't require any messy feelings or attachments. Lizzie wasn't even supposed to be part of the team, like Josie or Penelope, so I didn't feel obligated to care too much about what happened to her.

Even if it was happening anyway. Slowly.

It wasn't even an obligation just happened.

I gripped the sides of the counter hard enough to turn my knuckles white and forced myself to breath slowly and evenly as I struggled to rid myself of these thoughts. 

No. I can't think like that. 

I can't allow myself to care about anyone. 

Shaking my head, I looked around the kitchen as I exhaled deeply. It was nice to have a few minutes away from Lizzie and the headache that seems to appear in her presence.

I frowned and glanced at the clock again, surprised to see that more time has passed than I've realized. Who the hell takes an hour and a half bath in the middle of the afternoon?

I scowled and walked out of the kitchen. The house was far too quiet, but I would be damned if I let Lizzie goad me into checking up on her. I just know that she would somehow find a way to bring up our petty argument from before and I'm not about to let that stretch on indefinitely. And I wasn't about to apologize either. I swear we're literally fighting over nothing now. Every interaction was a trap, every conversation was laced with hidden minefields and no matter how lightly I tread, I always seem to set them off. 

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