Chapter 14

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Lizzie's POV: I tried my best to spare my daughter from what I feared would be an unsettling interrogation from the stranger as Trudy and I started putting the groceries away, but Trudy seemed fascinated with her. "That's a pretty pink jumper you're wearing, Sophie. Is pink your favorite color", she asked her. "It's my favorite color too", she continued without waiting for a response. "And what pretty shoes you're wearing. Did your mommy tie your laces for you", she asked, causing me to raise my eyebrows as I realized the interrogation was more of an one sided conversation. 

Sophie frowned, tilting her head slightly as she looked over at me in confusion. I shrugged my shoulders with a small smile, trying to reassure her, before Hope walked into the kitchen, carrying in the last of the groceries. 

"There you are, sweetie", I said, my smile becoming a little more forced as Hope rolled her eyes, clearly having not forgoten about our earlier conversation. 

"Milk", she stated, plopping the carton down as I fought back a remark. 

"Hope, this is our neighbor, Trudy. She brought over the muffins this morning", I said, glaring at her behind Trudy's back. Thankfully, Hope's openly cold stare wasn't noticed as Sophie squealed. 

"That was you", Sophie asked in excitement. 

"Guilty", Trudy replied with another piercing laugh, before lifting her onto her hip as if it were the most common thing in the world. "Did you like them", I heard Trudy ask, causing me to cringe at her high pitched voice. She sounded as if she was talking to an infant rather than a actual child that could talk back. 

"Yeah! Hope and me both ate them", Sophie nodded, causing Hope to break the staring contest between the two of us at the mention of her name, surprised that Sophie would even mention her because of her recent behavior. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed them", Trudy beamed, somehow excluding Hope as I frowned internally. 

"Was there something you wanted", Hope asked her impatiently, clearly fed up with the woman and her insufferable laugh. 

"Oh, no. Not really. I just wanted to let you know that everyone's agreed to come to the party Friday", she said, causing my eyes to widened.

" soon", I asked her nervously. 

"Of course. Everyone's so excited", she giggled. "They're all dying with curiosity. I'm just lucky I met you first", she commented, touching Sophie's nose. 

"Do you...want your basket back", I questioned, trying to get her to leave. 

"Oh no, you keep it. I just wanted to pop over and tell you about Friday", she stated, her attention focused on Sophie as I shifted on my feet, sharing a look with Hope. "It starts at four", she confirmed, causing Hope to roll her eyes as she stepped forward, holding her hands out to take Sophie into her arms. 

"Great, now you've told us", Hope said, moving forward as Sophie seemed to recoil before reaching in the complete opposite direction, for me. 

I hurried forward and took Sophie into my arms, feeling my heart sink, as I turned away from Trudy's calculating stare, something like joy at a new discovery flickering behind her eyes. The woman knew the value of information, even the smallest detail, like a child loving one parent more than the other. 

"Thank you for coming, Trudy", I nodded, as Sophie wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. 

"I'll walk you out", Hope spoke up icily, before giving me one final glare and practically marched our visitor to the door. 

Rocking Sophie back and forth, I hummed quietly, absentmindedly listening in on Trudy's and Hope's conversation. 

"Some trouble adjusting", Trudy questioned as a door opened. 

"Nothing we can't handle", Hope told her, her voice soundi a bit strained. 

"I understand. Motherhood does take it's toll", Trudy said as if she was talking to a disciple rather than a complete stranger. 

"It's what Elizabeth wants", she said, causing me to subconsciously grit my teeth at the use of my full name. 

"Yes. Putting a strain on the marriage, I see", Trudy observed, obviously searching for more information. 

"We'll see you on Friday. Thanks for stopping by", Hope responded flatly, before shutting the door in the woman's face. 

"You didn't have to be rude", I spoke up.

"She shouldn't have been so nosy", Hope snapped back, causing me to inhaled deeply. 

"You're the one who keeps saying that we have to live by our cover, and our cover is a happy family that just moved away from the city to focus on our family. People who do that try to build relationships, not kick people out of their homes", I explained in irritation.

"How would you know that? You just told me five minutes ago that you never had a normal damn family", she pointed out, causing me to turn away from her quickly to hide the tears in my eyes. 

"You ready for a bath, baby", I asked, wincing as my voice broke. 

"Lizzie. I'm...", Hope sighed as I quickly exited the kitchen. "It's two in the afternoon", she pointed out.

Sophie lifted her head and gazed up into my eyes with a small frown. "Are you okay, mommy", she asked, tilting her head to the side as I started up the stairs. 

"I'm fine, baby. I promise", I lied, causing Sophie's frown to deepen as she reached up to wipe the tears from my eyes before hugging me tightly. 

I'm not sure why I was reacting this way. I could usually take Hope at her worst and shrug off her cutting comments with no problem. I usually enjoyed bantering with Hope. There was just something about her impenetrable defenses that had always fascinated me, but I was never actually hurt by anything she said or done. My own defenses were usually quite strong on its own, but now I felt worn down to nothing, vulnerable and useless. Hope was right. I was only in the way on this mission. I was making too many mistakes.

"I love you, mommy", Sophie whispered into my shirt. I nudged the bathroom door open with my foot and slipped inside, leaning against the wood with a sigh as I closed it behind me. 

"I love you too, baby", I whispered, hugging her closer to my chest as I fought to keep my tears at bay.  

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