Chapter 7

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Lizzie's POV: I waited until Sophie was asleep before I finally sat up and stretched my back for the first time in what felt like hours. "Take a left up here", I instructed, crawling through the space between the front seats. Dusting the broken glass away as best as I could, I sat down in the passenger seat wearily before turning to put on my seat belt. 

This is the third car we've stolen. And Hope had insisted on something faster than the minivan, though I wish we had gone with something a little roomier than this Arcadia. There was room for Sophie's car seat and the trunk was full of the little things I managed to pick up on the way out of the city, but up legs hardly had any room. It wasn't quite dark yet, but I still felt exhausted as if the day had run its full course.

"This day just keeps getting better and better", Hope muttered as she did as I instructed.

I felt the familiar anger in my chest boil over a little at that remark and was about to remind her that I had specifically told Josie that I could handle this mission alone, but slumped back instead. I had started this day looking forward to possibly working with Hope again, but then everything had gone sideways. 

"I'm sorry, Hope", I sighed, turning my head to look out the window. I could feel Hope's shock radiating toward me at such an easy victory. Usually I would never give up so quickly, but I was exhausted. "I'm sorry that you were dragged into my mess. You deserve an explanation", I apologized.

"Doesn't mean I want one", I heard her muttered under her breath.

Hope had pulled into the driveway of a quaint little house, complete with a white picket fence. I kept my forehead pressed against the glass, my lips compressed in a thin line as I studied the house silently before the car rolled to a stop. I heard Hope huff as she twisted the keys out of the ignition, but I didn't hear the door open.

"Well, go ahead. I'm listening", Hope said expectantly, causing me to sigh as I sat up, brushing a few strands of hair from my face before turning around to look back at my daughter.

"Sophie, sweetie. We're here", I whispered, ignoring Hope's glare as I unbuckled my seat belt and got out. My daughter was still groggily stretching when I unbuckled her. "Hey there, sleepyhead. Come on, we made it", I told her softly, before lifting her into my arms and started toward the house.

"Lizzie", Hope shouted after me, causing me to pause to shoot her a warning glare and hurry away to get Sophie out of hearing, glad that my child was still too sleepy to even acknowledge Hope, much less what she said.

"Don't worry, Sophie. My friend, Hope, will grab all of your nice, new things and bring them in for you. We're going to go ahead and look for your room. Aren't you ready for bed? I'm ready for bed", I muttered, following the sidewalk toward the door. 

What am I going to do now?

I was very picky when choosing a family for my daughter the first time, and I knew I would have to been even more meticulous the second time. Because as much as I loved holding my daughter close, listening to her stories, brushing her hair, and listening to her breathe...I knew this couldn't last.

I was determined to hold onto her for as long as possible, but I wouldn't fight the change I knew was coming.

I would let go.

The inside the house was dark. I could make out vague shapes, but I didn't even try to navigate the large open den. I headed toward the stairs, going up to the little room that had already been furnished for a young child. I could feel Sophie's head already getting heavier as she drifted toward sleep. 

My eyes darted back and forth, taking in the little dresser and bookcases, the tea table, the play palace, and the quilt rack in the far corner. The entire room was painted in pale pastels, yellow on one wall, then pink and purple and blue. The quilt on the bed was covered in stripes matching the walls. And there were pale pink flowers in the vase on the nightstand.

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