1 Millions of pieces

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I sighed deeply as relief spread through me. The sight of my home made me so happy. I only ever realized how much I missed it and him when I was away for a few days. It felt so good to come home. Especially after such a busy week.

All I wanted to do was have a glass of wine, tell Gabriel about my week, and then maybe enjoy a nice hot bubble bath together. Little things like that somehow always came up short lately. And I desperately needed some quality time with my beloved.

I unlocked the door and was about to call for my boyfriend when I noticed that something was different than usual. I just did not know exactly what. Somehow the atmosphere, the aura was changed. It was hard to grasp and even harder to describe. But suddenly I had a bad feeling.

After a few steps into the house, I put my suitcase and purse aside. I looked around carefully to see if anything had changed. It didn't take long until I saw it. The clothes thrown messily on the floor.

The scattered garments formed a path in the direction of where our bedroom was. A pair of pants, a blazer, his tie, and then a skirt. Followed by high heels that weren't mine and a silk blouse I was familiar with even though it wasn't mine either. A knot formed in my middle as I quietly followed the path.

Mentally, I prepared myself for what I would see as soon as I had the courage to open the door. I closed my eyes to brace myself. Then I took a deep breath, hoping to banish the nausea that was rising in me. But I didn't succeed. On the contrary. The longer I waited, the worse I felt. And the noises that reached me only made it worse.

I threw the door open with a jolt and it flew against the wall with a loud bang. With that bang, my worst fears came true.

There he was lying. The man I loved so much, between the legs of our colleague, whom he supposedly despised. Startled by the bang, both froze in their movement as they searched for the source of the noise. 

"What the hell, Gabriel! You scumbag! You cheating asshole! In our own bed! How could you?" I screamed as I broke free from my own paralysis and all my rage began to unload.

"DJ baby, sweetie! It's not what it looks like! I swear, nothing happened! Please, let me explain!" he pleaded as he pulled away from the slut.

He grabbed a sheet off the bed and wrapped it around his waist and then walked towards me. Looking over at the naked woman, I saw her grinning victoriously. She knew exactly what she had done and seemed damn proud of it. What a bitch. I would have loved to kill her. Both of them, actually.

Gabriel reached out his hand to touch me, but I immediately took a step back. But that did not stop him, he came even closer. So close that could smell her perfume on his skin. My blood boiled as I raised my hand and slapped him, hard.

"Don't you dare say nothing happened! You reek of sex and her cheap $5 perfume. I can't believe you're doing this to me. And with her! So much for you despising her!" I hissed.

"It... it was just that one time! And it didn't mean anything. It's just... you've been away so much and..." he began.

"Gab, there's no need to keep lying. It wasn't just that one time. It was whenever you were out of town, DJ! I always knew I was better than you. In every way." said that slut Betty.

I couldn't take it for a second longer. So I turned around and left.

"Where are you going, baby? Let us talk." Gabriel said as he followed me.

"There's nothing to talk about. We're done with each other. Go back to your slut. I hope she was worth it." I replied as I grabbed my stuff and left the house as fast as I could.

This wasn't my home anymore and it never would be again. Everything we had experienced together and our plans for the future came crashing down over my head. Millions of pieces. Each like a knife in to my heart.

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