34 Double Trouble

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I closed my eyes and carefully leaned my head against the bathtub as I desperately tried to fight off the nausea. This was one part of pregnancy I would have loved to do without, but apparently the tummy potatoes disagreed.

As I breathed in and out, I thought about how adorable my parents had been earlier when Roman and I had video called them to tell them they were about to become grandparents. My mom was so excited she almost dropped the phone. I think it was safe to say that they were happy. Even though I would have preferred to tell them in person, of course. It was one of those disadvantages of living on another continent. 

But that didn't change the fact that I was damn happy with my life. Even now, while I had to throw up four or five times a day. I had the hope that this would soon subside.

Carefully I got up and started to brush my teeth when I heard my gorgeous husband calling me.

"Dani? Baby girl, where are you?" he called loudly.

When I was finished I went to him. As soon as he saw me, the beautiful smile spread all over his face. God, I was a lucky woman. Whenever he called me Dani, which he usually only did when we were alone, my heart leapt with love.

"Hey love! Did you get it?" I asked as I hugged him from the side and glanced at the box in his free hand.

"I did. Wanna take a look?" he asked me with a grin.

"Sure," I replied.

But before he could even open the lid of the box of cupcakes, the nausea I was all too familiar with rose up inside me.

"Oh.... no.... never mind..." I mumbled, covering my mouth as I ran back to the bathroom to throw up.

Roman followed me even though he knew I would complain. He just squatted next to me and rubbed my back soothingly until I was done. Then he helped me to my feet so I could brush my teeth again.

"I'm sorry." he said as he watched me do it.

"What are you sorry for, Ro? It's not your fault." I replied gently before snuggling up to him.

"I know, but... it's hard to take. I wish I could help you." he said, sighing.

"You do! You get me everything I crave. And you know that's a lot right now. Don't worry about me. Me and the tummy potatoes are fine. I promise," I explained.

"That's true. I'm so excited to finally tell my family. This month hasn't been easy." replied Roman.

"You can say that again! I can hardly hide it anymore. Your babies are big, Mr. Reigns. I can't wait to see how they react to the double surprise." I said with a laugh as we both placed our hands lovingly over our children.


It was not easy to find a reason to invite Roman's family. That is, without them getting suspicious right away. But since it was now a month since the wedding, we decided to invite them as a small thank you for their help in planning and support for the wedding.

That was just perfect. And even more perfect was that our little ones were total overachievers and the doctor could already tell us the genders yesterday. Apparently this was anything but common at 12 weeks, but our kids posed so well that the doctor had no doubt. Well... the 3D ultrasound helped too. This ultrasound was not reasonable for this week of pregnancy, but Roman insisted and paid extra for it. He was as happy as he was impatient. And I had to say, it was 100% worth it.


"I'm so glad you invited us. We see each other not often enough." said Summer after the meal.

"Summer is right. Have you guys ever thought about moving back to Pensacola?" asked Pat.

"Oh I think we can definitely get back to that sometime in the future. But for now, it's time for dessert." I said as I placed the box on the table in front of his clueless grandma.

"Oh honey, you didn't have to do that," she said.

"Pat, I insist! It's not like I can be the only one to get a bump!" I said with a grin.

"Huh?" said Vanessa as she watched her mom open the box of baby blue cupcakes that all together formed the words 'Double Trouble'.

"Oh my goodness!" gasped Pat as she realized what she was looking at.

"You're having twins?" she asked as she was already throwing her arms around me and Roman.

"Yes, Grandma! We're having twins. Boys to be exact. A future tag team." said Roman joyfully.

"Oh man..." Summer whined, making us all laugh after they warmly congratulated us on the addition to the family.

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