4 Fresh start

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I pushed aside one of the many boxes when the doorbell rang. Carefully, I made my way to the door to be able to open it. It was not so easy because there were boxes, bags and packages of new furniture everywhere.

"Summer! There you are at last. I thought you'd forgotten about me." I said when I saw who was standing in front of me.

I hugged her tightly as I noticed someone else standing behind her. It was a man I had not seen before, but he had a certain resemblance to Summer.

"I'm so sorry. My car wouldn't start. That's why my baby brother drove me here. He is in town for a visit. DJ, let me introduce you. This is my brother Roman. Roman, this is DJ. As I explained to you earlier, we met a while ago at yoga class." she immediately babbled without even taking a breath.

"It's nice to meet you. Come on in. Summer, you know you could have just called me. I would have understood if you hadn't come to help me unpack," I replied as I took a step to the side to let them both in.

"Don't talk nonsense. I promised to help you unpack. And since he's already here, Roman can help us with the heavy stuff and the furniture. So... tell me... Was the moron there when you were packing?" she wanted to know without giving her brother even the slightest chance to answer.

"Yes, he was there. Unfortunately. He immediately started babbling at me again, trying to convince me to stay. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he then was watching like a hawk to make sure I didn't pack anything that belonged to him. As if I wanted to keep any of his stuff voluntarily," I said.

"What happened?" asked Roman with a furrowed brow.

"Oh... um.... well the thing is my now ex-boyfriend cheated on me with a colleague. And then he even had the nerve to claim that it was all my fault because I apparently never had time for him. Now I have a new apartment and the bastard wasn't too happy about it. Sorry I'm babbling." I explained to him and noticed how I was blushing.

So many details had not actually been necessary. It just bubbled out of me. Well I think that was understandable and comprehensible. Nevertheless, I was a little embarrassed, because I did not know him.

"It's okay. The guy must be quite a wimp. I'm sure you'll find someone better." he replied in a deep voice that was as smooth as honey.

"We will see about that. Right now... I'm not in the mood to even think about that. Okay.... shall we get started then?" I said after clearing my throat.

Together we proceeded to assemble some smaller furniture and unpack boxes. It went really fast and it was even fun. Fortunately, Roman was of the same nature as his sister. It was easy to talk to him without it feeling weird. Although, at times, it was hard not to blatantly stare at him. Without a doubt, he was a gorgeous man. Surely no one could hold it against me that I looked at him very closely. Even though I didn't really wanted to. It was just happening.

I was just about to climb onto the countertop in the kitchen when I heard someone enter the kitchen behind me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that it was Roman. I didn't let it distract me, though, because I didn't want to drop the vase I was holding.

"Can I ask you something?" I heard him say.

"Sure. Shoot." I replied as I stretched to put the vase in the upper cabinet. It was a little higher than I expected.

"Where are you from? You have such a cute accent." he wanted to know.

And that's when it happened. I stumbled slightly and the vase almost slipped out of my hands, but Roman managed to hold on to me at the last moment.

"Oh careful." he gushed, startled.

"Oops.... that was close. Thanks for the save..... ummm... You can take your hands off my butt now," I replied, adding the last part as I noticed his big hands still resting on my backside.

"Wow, I'm so sorry about that. It wasn't on purpose. I swear." he said as he jerked his hands away from me.

I put the vase in its place and climbed back down. At that moment Summer came into the kitchen. She looked at us suspiciously.

"Everything all right?" she wanted to know.

"Yes, perfect. I think we're done so far. I'll do the rest tomorrow. Thanks again for your help. I am more than grateful for your support. I'll have you both over for dinner as soon as I can. It's the least I can do." I replied.

"You're welcome. But now we have to get going. I have to pick up the kids from school. Come on, Roman. I'll see you around, pumpkin. Let me know if you need anything else." said Summer, hugging me and then heading out.

"It was nice to meet you, DJ. I'll definitely find out where your accent comes from and what DJ stands for next time, baby girl." said Roman, winking at me, and then he was gone too.

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