33 Fill our hearts

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It was the middle of the night and I should have been fast asleep by now. Should... But once again I did not succeed. Instead, I stared at the ceiling while listening to my husband's slow, regular breathing. Usually this helped me to fall asleep. But not on this night. And so hour after hour passed until it was around 2 o'clock in the morning.

I sighed deeply as I gently stroked my belly with my fingers. Tomorrow, or meanwhile today, was the first appointment with the doctor. And something about it robbed me of sleep. It was probably the expectations of seeing our little tummy potato for the first time. To learn more about our rainbow baby. I was so excited and a little bit nervous too, I had to admit. 

Carefully, I rolled onto my side and now stared at Roman. He was sleeping soundly. Somehow that wasn't exactly fair. With a frown, I rested my head on my hand and then began to caress Ro's face with my fingertip. But he didn't seem to notice, despite the little smile that played around his lips. His soft snoring remained the same.

"Ro?" I asked quietly, but to no avail.

"Roooman..." I said a few minutes later. Still no response.

Irritated, I just poked him in the nose. And that finally woke him up. Confused, he wiped his face and then looked at me.

"Hey, baby girl.... why aren't you asleep?" he asked.

"Because I can't! I'm too excited!" I whined.

"Come here!" he replied, taking me in his strong arms so I could snuggle up close to him.

"I know you're looking forward to seeing the baby for the first time. And I feel the same way. But you need your sleep, Dani. How can I help you with that?" he wanted to know.

"I don't know. Just talk to me..." I replied.

"Okay...what can I tell you? Oh, I know... I can't wait until we can hold this little baby in our arms, because I already know it's going to look just like you. And that's the best gift for me. That I will have you twice. And I think it goes without saying that baby Reigns is going to be massively spoiled. Not just by me, but by the whole family. However, my gut tells me that Summer is not going to get the niece she wants. At least not this time.

I can already imagine how cute it will be when you speak German with the baby and he or she will eventually speak German too. Maybe I should learn it too. So that I can hear if you want to discuss secret things. I am very happy, Dani. Having you and this gift... is a blessing." he babbled until my eyes finally grew heavy.

Such a power had his deep voice over me. Smooth as honey and able to calm me in any situation. The last thing I noticed was how his big hand came to rest on my belly.


"All right. Mrs and Mr Reigns. We've discussed everything this far. Let's take a look at the main person then. You said you took a test just about two weeks ago and you were 6 weeks late with your period at that point? That means you should be about 10 weeks now. Please do not be startled. The gel is quite cool, but it will pass quickly. Are you ready?" the doctor asked when we were done with everything else.

If I thought I was excited before, that was an understatement. The butterflies I now had in my stomach were huge compared to yesterday. While Roman held my hand tightly in his, his eyes were firmly focused on the little monitor, as were mine.

"This is your baby." the doctor said as he slowly moved the probe across my lower abdomen.

There it was! Our little perfect rainbow. Tears of joy formed in my eyes as I looked at it. Then I felt my husband's lips on my forehead and looked up at him. He looked so damn proud. And happy beyond measure.

"Oh! I correct. These are your babies! Congratulations. You're expecting twins and they're both healthy and thriving." he doctor then suddenly said.

Roman's and my head snapped back to the monitor as the doctor moved the probe further, revealing another little something.

Twins! We are having two babies! Two little rainbows that would fill our hearts. 

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