30 Secret no more

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"Mom? Family? We're here!" Roman shouted as we entered his mother's house.

He had called everyone a few days ago and asked them to meet us here, because we wanted to tell everyone our news. With his family it was much easier to do it in person than with mine. For that, a Skype call had to be enough for now, but that didn't stop my mother from joyfully jumping up and down like a little kid. Roman and I had a hearty laugh at her behavior.

"DJ! Roman! It's good to see you guys. Come on in, come on in. Everyone is already here. They are in the garden. You are late. But for now, give me a hug," Roman's mom said as she came rushing over.

She looked at us inquiringly for a moment before she pulled us both into her arms and hugged us tightly. Then she looked at me and caressed my cheek with her finger.

"How are you doing, DJ?" she wanted to know.

After the whole thing with Gabriel and the miscarriage, she had made it her business to take care of me and in a way stand in for my mother. And even though I hadn't told her about the miscarriage in the beginning, I always had the feeling that she knew. She probably could sense that something was wrong. A mom, you know.

"I'm feeling much better, Pat! Why don't we go join the others? We finally want to tell you the news," I replied.

"Alright, c'mon!" she said as she took my hand, and I took Roman's.

Together we went out into the garden and greeted all the family members who were here. Summer seemed especially happy to see us. And I knew why. She had helped Roman pick out the perfect ring for me, but according to Ro, she didn't know when or how he planned to ask me.

"Spill the beans! What's so important?" asked Pat with a grin as she put her hands on her hips.

"Well... A few days ago when we were in San Francisco, I asked DJ to marry me and she said yes!" said Roman, who had his arm wrapped tightly around my middle.

"Oh my god that's fantastic! Congratulations!" his mother cheered and immediately wrapped us in her arms again.

The rest of the family also hugged and congratulated us. It was such a beautiful moment. I wiped a tear from my cheek as I felt Roman kiss my hair.

"Yes! It's about time! I want a real wedding!" said Summer.

Pat turned to her and looked at her daughter questioningly. I quickly looked to Ro and saw him give Summer a warning look and shake his head slightly.

"What do you mean?" asked Pat.

"Um... well... I mean, it's been a while since we've had a wedding and it's about my little brother and my friend who found each other. That's exciting. I can't wait to pick out a dress." she babbled.

"Speaking of that..... I have an appointment in two hours and I was hoping the ladies would join me to find a dress." I then said so there would be no further questioning.

"Today already?" asked Vanessa, Roman's other sister.

"Yes, we picked a wedding day and it's already in 3 months. That means I have to hurry and I won't have much choice. That's why I would like your help." I replied.

When I thought of the date I had to smile. Because what would be a better day than our actual wedding day?

"Why can't I help pick out the dress? I was there for the first one, too!" Roman pouted without thinking about his words. I quickly pinched his side. He gasped briefly, probably in pain and realizing that he had blabbed.

"What first dress are you talking about? What's going on here?" replied Pat.

I think it was safe to say that we were definitely busted and that there was no way to get out of it. At least I couldn't think of a solution so quickly.

"I... well... you know..." my husband stammered.

"Oh relax son. Before you have a stroke. I know all about it." his mother said and then started laughing out loud. Probably because of our faces.

"What? You know that we're...?" I wanted to know.

"Yeah... Let me put it this way. You're both damn bad liars and trusting Summer with a secret might not have been the smartest idea. I was going to say something, but I wanted to see how long you could keep it to yourselves. I know you love each other, so I'm not going to make a big fuss about it.

Roman, I'm proud that you wanted to help DJ. And I'm glad it all worked out in the end. But one thing I promise you both, if you ever lie to me again, I won't hesitate to kick both your butts. Got it?" she replied.

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