5 Betrayal

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I wondered how long I could stand in front of the building to delay the inevitable as long as possible. As I sighed, I realized that there was really no point. I had to go in sooner or later. Just as I couldn't avoid running into Gabriel or Betty forever.

Too bad I had no other choice. Because whether I liked it or not. I needed this job. A lot depended on it. And I wasn't going to lose everything I had because of that son of a bitch. I just had to grit my teeth and hope that the dust would settle.

With another deep sigh, I finally entered the building and went through the security check. I chatted briefly with the guys from security before I took the elevator up to my floor.

As I walked along the corridors to my office, I had the feeling that all eyes were following me. I also imagined I could hear whispers. That was probably just the tension, or at least I hoped it was. Relief flowed through me when I finally reached my office and closed the door behind me.

But I hadn't even sat down at the desk when there was already a knock at the door and one of the management assistants stuck her head into the room. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Müller. The boss wants to see you in his office immediately." she said in a squeaky voice.

"I'll be right there," I replied with a very uneasy feeling.

If the boss called me into his office so early in the morning, it could certainly not have a good reason. And this feeling was confirmed when I saw who was waiting for me in the room next to the boss. It was none other than Gab.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" I asked politely.

"Yes, Miss Müller, please sit down," Mr. Fraser began.

"I prefer to stand." I said, because I felt like I wanted to run.

"All right. It won't take long anyway. I would like to inform you that we are terminating your employment with us. As of today, you are no longer employed by the Kennedy Group," he said, and as I stared at him, completely stunned, I saw Gabriel smirk out of the corner of my eye.

I was shocked and yet I had no doubt that he had something to do with it. I knew he could be devious, but I didn't think he would sink so low. That arrogant pig.

"What? But... that makes no sense! I haven't done anything wrong. I've always done an excellent job," I objected when I finally found my voice.

"Well, that's what I thought. However, that was before I was given material and evidence showing that you were in contact with our biggest competitors and had given them information about our next campaigns," he explained, showing me printouts that contained my email address and staff number. However, I had not written any of these emails. But then I realized what was happening. He had said he would take everything from me. And now it seemed as if his words would come true.

"Sir, it wasn't me! I would never abuse the integrity of the company and your trust like that. But I can tell you exactly what is going on. I recently parted ways with Mr. Fuller here. This is his personal vendetta against me. He must have forged those documents. He probably even hacked into my email account," I said in a loud voice as I pointed at Gab.

"And now you're accusing your supervisor as well? Unbelievable. How could we have been so wrong about you? Security will escort you out after you get your things," Mr. Fraser replied as he shook his head.

"You'll regret this, Gabriel! The day will come when karma catches up with you, motherfucker!" I hissed as I took a step towards him and my fists clenched.

"That's enough, Miss Müller! Just leave before it gets even more embarrassing for you. Oh yeah.... Before I forget. Since your stay in the United States is tied to your employment contract with us, you can expect to hear from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the next few days. Your work visa is now no longer valid. They will certainly notify you then about your deportation." said my former boss as he quickly stood between me and Gab.

This could not be true. This was a nightmare. Why didn't I just wake up? He had betrayed me and cheated on me, but that was apparently not enough for him. Now he wanted to destroy my whole life.

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