Remember When

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Kyle had just finished up the last of his homework, sighing as he rolled back in his chair.

"Finally done?" He turned to Kenny sitting at end of his bed. He had already shed his shoes.

"Yeah, sorry man. I didn't even realize you were here already." Kyle admitted, he wondered how long Kenny had been sitting there.

"Don't worry about it, I only got here like five minutes ago." Kenny smiled, replying like he had just read Kyle's mind. The redhead stood, taking a new seat next to Kenny. "So you wanted to talk, what's up."

Kyle was quiet for a moment. Even though he'd had all day to think about this, he hadn't figured out how to bring this up. What should he even start with or say. "Do... do you remember the end of summer?" He'd finally settled on.

"Well yeah- I mean- How could I forget?" Kenny laughed awkwardly. Kyle didn't respond, only staring down at the carpet in front of him. Another moment of silence passing between the two. "If you were worried about it still, I told you that you don't have to worry. You were pretty upset about Stan and Wendy and I know it didn't mean anything."

"But- uh..." Kyle rubbed the back of his neck and looked over to Kenny, meeting his eyes. Blue confused eyes meeting green. "What if it actually did?"

Kenny stared, confused for a moment before stifling a laugh. "What?"

"It's not a joke." Kyle scowled, turning away.

"Sorry sorry. What makes you think that?"

"Well I got kinda upset when I thought about you and Wendy together this morning." Kenny nodded mouthing a small 'Oh'. "I just thought maybe after what happened, maybe I started to like you without even realizing it."

"Got it." Kenny scooted closer, patting Kyle's back. "Well let me ask you, what do you think when you look at me?"

Kyle looked directly at Kenny. Because of his movements, the two were now very close, their faces less than a foot. Kyle thought, really taking in Kenny's face. He admitted Kenny was attractive physically. He'd known him long enough that he knew what Kenny looked like without clothes. Though he had many scars, Kyle honestly thought that made him hotter in a way.

"I mean-" Kyle's words got caught in his throat thinking about Kenny's body. A small flush worked it's way up to his face.

"Can I kiss you?" Kenny asked. His eyes flicked down to Kyle's lips quickly before focusing back on his wide eyes. 

Kyle gave a single small nod and that's all Kenny needed. He didn't hesitate to lean forward, connecting their lips over the small distance. Both eyes snapped shut as lips started to move with each other. Kenny's lips were slightly chapped and dry, but Kyle could also feel how warm they were. The blond shifted to sitting on his knees in front of the redhead who had shifted to make this easier. He made it a point not to disconnect from him, instead bringing his hand up to hold Kyle's face closer. Kyle parted his lips slightly which Kenny quickly took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling Kyle's tongue into a dance with his own. Kyle was enjoying this, sighing into the kiss and pulling Kenny further into him by the hem of his jacket. It felt good but oxygen was needed. Both separated for air, still staring at one another.

"Still just as good as last time." Kenny smirked. 

Kyle just rolled his eyes. "Last time we made out it was a lot more than that." 

"That's true, but now think about it." Kenny got off his knees and crossed his legs. He leaned back, supporting himself with his palms to the comforter. "Did this feel different from then?"

Kyle thought for a moment, looking away and furrowing his eyebrows. "No."

"As fun as it is and as much as I like making out, you don't love me like that Kyle." Kenny didn't sound hurt or upset. He seemed pleased with himself.

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