That's All That Matters

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Monday morning came. Kenny added another stop after picking up Stan and Kyle. Wendy took her seat next to Stan in the back, giving Kyle a kiss on the cheek before snuggling back with one of Stan's arms wrapped around her shoulders. They all chatted and laughed until they reached Butters' house. Kyle unbuckled and got out, making his way to the back seat next to Wendy and holding her hand in his. Butters came running out and hopped in greeting everyone and immediately going into a story. The five were very content, laughing and talking.

After getting to school and parking, the five made their way inside, stopping to talk to others and grab thing from their lockers. Everyone was relieved and happy to see them all talking and interacting together again. Craig and Tweek stopped to talk to them for awhile before heading off to their first class together. Wendy didn't take long to leave after, stepping away early to get ready for cheer practice. She gave both Kyle and Stan a big hug, and gave Kenny a fist bump and Butters a high five before taking off. Kenny excused himself next. He waved to his two friends, taking hold of Butters hand and walking to their next class together.

Stan and Kyle made their way to their class, hand in hand. Of course they got some looks but most people didn't even think twice with how close they normally were. They seemed to separate during class, but still kept talking and glancing at each other. As soon as the bell rang, they seemed to be right by each other's sides again. Making their way to their next class, they were greeted with hugs from Wendy as they took their seats and waited.

The three spotted Kenny at the door. He was holding both of Butters' hands and they were both had huge gleeful grins spread over their faces. They watched as Kenny let go of Butters' hands. He placed his own on the shorter blonds cheeks and pulling him into a kiss while Butters clung to the bottom of Kenny's shirt.

It only lasted a moment, a moment of Kyle muttering "Finally."

A moment of Wendy musing "Aww!"

That was it, Butters walked off to his next class and Kenny walked to the table, taking his seat. "So...?" Stan asked drawing out the question and leaning forward with a smirk on his face.

"You were right Stan, I was hurting him. We talked and I think we're gonna try to make this work." Kenny rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a light pink dusting his cheeks. Stan gave him a pat on his back and the others congratulated him. It honestly felt nice. Soon class started and the 4 did more talking than working. They didn't get much done, but class seemed to go by faster than they had wanted. Soon Wendy was parting ways again, pulling Kyle down for a cheek on the cheek and moving to do the same to Stan. Stan was anticipating and much less shy about this weird relationship. He instead pulled Wendy in to kiss her properly before she left.

The day continued on, it could be considered surprising that Wendy didn't eat with the boys, even more surprising she was having lunch with Bebe and the other cheerleaders.

"Hey Wendy, are you and Stan back together?" Bebe asked.

"Really? I thought you liked Kyle though?" Nichole chimed.

Wendy flushed, and stared to play with a strand of her hair. 'Just remember, what we said.' She repeated to herself in her head. "We're not dating."

"But I thought I saw you guys kiss earlier." Heidi tilted her head, looking at her suspiciously.

"Oh yeah, we were." Wendy replied calmly, continuing her meal. The girls looked confused between each other.

The boys continued in their world and conversation until the bell rang. As they separated Stan pulled Kyle into a hug, burying his face in his neck. "What's this for?" Kyle asked.

"I just wanted to hug you before you left." Stan whispered. He pulled away but found two hands wrap around his neck, he was being pulled down again. Kyle kissed him sweetly, it was just a quick peck but it left Stan smiling like an idiot. "What was that for?"

"I just wanted to." Kyle said, letting go.

The girls gawked at what they had just witnessed. "Wendy did you see that?"

"See what?" Wendy said. She finished packing up her leftovers and stood up, waving the girls off. She turned around and called out to Kyle, running over to him and linking their hands as they started to walk.

They made it to their class and now without Stan or Kenny distracting them, surprising they actually were getting their work done like normal. Granted they still talked during the free time, though they stayed on task. After the bell rang, they walked out together. The two chatted and talked until they reached Kyle's debate class.

Before she left, Wendy basically jumped into his arms and kissed him. This definitely caught him off guard, it took a moment before Kyle wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. They pulled away and both flushed deeply.

"Okay bye!" Wendy said quickly. She ripped herself out of his grasp and powerwalked away while covering her face with her hands. Kyle smiled after her, watching until she turned the corner. He turned to walk into the class room but was stopped by Heidi.

"Are you two dating?" She had an expression of accusation.

"No we aren't." Kyle stepped to the side and walked past the brunette.

"You know, she's you best friend's ex-girlfriend. Don't you think it's kind of awful." She remarked before going to take her seat.

Kyle just huffed before sitting down. His perfect mood he's had all day, just fell and now he felt just upset. He'd sat through the next 2 class periods, getting through the day, waiting for the final bell so he could finally see his friends again. They met up at Kyle's locker. Kenny said his goodbyes before work, taking Butters to his house to watch Karen when she got off school. Kyle finished putting the rest of his stuff away while Stan and Wendy held hands, talking and telling Kyle about their classes. Kyle had closed his locker and turned to Stan and Wendy, ready to leave.

"Oh come on!" Bebe hissed, walking up to them. Heidi and Nichole followed. "You two are holding hands, and you're telling me you aren't dating?"

"Don't you two have any shame?" Heidi questioned, pointing at Kyle and Wendy. "You're lying right to his face."

"I'm sorry?" Stan asked, squeezing her hand tighter.

"We're sorry Stan but Heidi saw Kyle and Wendy kiss. And we all saw you kiss Kyle." Nichole explained. Somehow she had ended up being the level-headed one. She was calm, and by the looks of it, trying to process all of what was going on. "We're just a little confused about what's going on."

Wendy felt her cheeks heating up. She knew this would happen, the girls in school would think she was a slut. Kyle looked upset, the same expression Heidi had left him with earlier. Stan just looked on what a little surprise before reaching over to grab Kyle's hand.

"We're just happy this way." He stated.

The three girls looked shocked, and confused. Eventually Nichole was just smiling, happy that they had finally figured out their feelings. Heidi apologized and offered her sincerest of congratulations. Bebe on the other hand still couldn't seem to wrap her head around it, simply walking away.

"Don't worry about her, as long as your happy." Nichole gave Wendy a big hugged, which Heidi joined in.

Stan, Wendy, and Kyle looked at each other and smiled wide. Holding each other's hands. "That's all that matters."

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