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Walking into class, the boys were immediately greeted with a bright smile form Wendy, now dressed in her normal purple color pallet and hair down. "Hey guys!" She waved them over to a set of lab tables put together. The boys took their seats, Stan made a point of sitting furthest from Wendy, Kyle sat across from him while Kenny sat next to him. "Thanks for agreeing to help us guys, I already told Mr. Robertson we'll be working on this today."

"No problem." Kenny replied, slipping his coat off.

Stan slumped in his seat, arms crossed. "Wendy, you know I suck at chemistry right? Why would you want my help?" Wendy tried to interject but got cut off. "I mean I was only passing because you were my partner and you're smart. My grades have gotten pretty bad since... you know."

"Yeah...Sorry." Wendy looked down.

He shrugged, "I know why you did it, don't apologize." The air felt thick around them, like you could cut it with a knife. Kyle and Kenny felt so suffocated. They didn't speak, didn't move, afraid that anything they did would set something into motion.

Wendy blushed, pulling a section of her hair forward and playing with it. "But you're still okay working with me?"

Stan sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "S-sure I guess. I'm just trying to get my grade up."

Kyle felt a knot in his stomach, that jealous feeling he'd grown accustomed to while watching them. But it was somehow different this time, he couldn't tell really what it was. There was another thought looking between them though. The way they were both blushing and fidgeting, Kyle found it oddly adorable. He fought the stupid smile crawling on his face.

"Okay okay, that's enough." Kenny said with a playful look of disgust on his face. "Either make out and give us a show or cut the awkward atmosphere."

Kyle laughed, watching as the other two grew more red but laughed along with them. Somehow after that comment, everything seemed a lot less tense. Class started and the project was given to them. Figuring out the mystery chemicals in the test tubes, and mixing them to figure out what substance they make.

They started with a beaker of clear liquid, bringing it to a boil. Wendy took a tube with purple dust and poured it in. It sat on top of the water, so Kyle started to stir. The liquid turned a light blue, but grew darker the longer it sat. Stan noted the dust didn't dissolve, simply floating in the liquid.

Despite Kyle claiming him and Wendy would do all the work, Stan and Kenny still chipped in. Kenny worked on the recording, jotting everything down in a notebook, while Stan helped Kyle and Wendy with the chemicals. Everyone was smiling and talking, it was going well.

"Here, try this one?" Stan offered a test tube with fine white powder. Wendy took it and poured a small amount of it into the blue liquid, no reaction. Kyle stirred it and they waited but it didn't look like anything was happening. Wendy huffed as Kenny wrote down the result. "Nothing? Seriously?" Stan asked.

Kyle shrugged. "Some things don't make a physical reaction." He offered, Wendy nodded.

"I remember though that sometimes it will react later." Kenny said, setting his note book down to look at the beaker.

"And it makes a much greater reaction from the delay and mix of chemicals." Stan added. Wendy snickered, covering up a smile with gloved hands. "Something funny?

"Oh nothing." She went to lower her hands but stopped. "Wait a minute, my hands."

"Did you touch your face?" Kyle asked. Wendy shook her head and held her hands out to him.

"Smell that?" She asked. He sniffed and made a bit of a surprised face. Stan leaned over too, taking a small sniff.

"It smells like flowers." He said.

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