Play Pretend

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Kenny breathed a heavy sigh, a big cloud formed in front of him as he stood on the door step. 'Quite a mess indeed.' He reached forward and turned the silver handle, pushing through the door as it clicked open. Kenny had barely taken 3 steps inside before he was catching the 13 year old girl in his arms. "Hey Karen." He smiled rubbing her dirty blond hair. She looked up at him through a black mask with a fake angry pouting face. 

"Ken, you're late." She huffed. Looking down, Kenny could see her dressed up in a purple, black and pink super hero costume much like his Mysterion one. "What good is a guardian angel if he isn't here to beat up his greatest nemesis?" 

"Hold it right there Captain Karen!" Butters boomed, jumping out from the kitchen in a newly improved and bigger Professor Chaos costume. "You can't escape me!"

Karen quickly ducked behind Kenny. "I don't need to escape you. My partner and I will whip your sorry butt back to last year!" She laughed, shaking Kenny's arm.

"I don't see your partner anywhere!" He teased. Butters proceeded to chasing Karen around the living room, both of them pretending to battle.

Kenny made his way to his room and quickly changed into his Mysterion getup. He could still remember the day Karen had found out he was her 'Guardian Angel'. 

It was right after they moved out of their old house. Karen had gotten out of school early and had gone home to do some housework to try and help out her brother. She was busy cleaning and working hard to make this a big surprise for Kenny so he could actually relax and rest for his day off. 

He was due home very soon, she had finished doing the laundry and was putting the folded clothes away in the dresser and hanging some in the closet. Honestly she was still very short for her age and ended up tripping while trying to hang out a jacket. 

She let out a surprised squeak as she fell into a bunch of Kenny's stuff at the bottom of the closet. She muttered a small "Ow." before pushing herself up. 

Karen looked down and saw she'd fallen on an old shoe box. It was crushed and bits of purple and green peaked out from where it burst on the sides. Her eyes were wide as she recalled memories of her hero who had disappeared and stopped visiting her a few months ago. 

She sat  up and folded her legs under herself. "I shouldn't go through his stuff." She said quietly. Yet, she hesitantly reached her hand forward and removed the broken box lid. Karen set it aside and reached in grabbing the fabric and lifting it up until she was staring directly at that green 'M' she had come to know well.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me borrow it." Kenny smiled happily walking in with Butters following behind him. He quickly noticed Karen sitting on the floor in front of his closet, hugging something tightly to her chest. "Hey sis, what're you doing home already?"

"Is it true?" She asked. She turned around giving Kenny a clear view of the Mysterion costume she was holding. She stood up and walked over to her brother, standing only a foot in front of him. "Is it really you?" 

"Oh boy." Butters muttered, looking between the two as silence settled.

She didn't seem angry or sad, which Kenny took as a good sign. Her expression seemed almost emotionless, while Kenny looked like a dear caught in headlights.

"Karen, I can explain." He crouched down, meeting her eye to eye. "I didn't want you to find out this way, I just wanted to prote-" The air was basically knocked out of him as Karen crashed into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Thank you Kenny, I love you." She said happily. He hugged her back tightly.

After than Kenny and Butters took their time explaining to Karen all about their past super hero and villain identities. And after showing her their costumes and retelling stories, they spent the afternoon making Karen her very own costume.

As she twirled and posed in her new identity, Kenny wore the biggest smile he had in a long time. It was a mix of happiness, adoration, and relief. If he could stay in this moment forever, he most certainly would.

He swung open his door and ran out to the living room to see Butters had wrapped Karen up in a big blanket on the couch.

"Stop right there Chaos!" He said in his serious and gruff voice. "Let my partner go!" 

"Mysterion nice of you to finally join us, but I fear it is too late." Chaos laughed. He began to monolog turning away so Mysterion could free Captain Karen from the blanket. Mysterion ran over and punched Chaos, not hard by any means, but Kenny still held concern on his face. "Oh no, you escaped. No matter, I shall still be the end of you." Butters quickly shook it off.

This game went on for a bit, pretending to fight, the push and pull between both sides, and admittedly the continuous flirting between Chaos and Mysterion. Until Butters laid on the floor feigning defeat.

"We have defeated the villain, but there is more to be done." Mysterion said patting Captain Karen's head as she yawned. "You should get some rest little superhero."

"Evil never sleeps and thus I cannot either." She said pointing to the sky. "But maybe a quick nap. Kicking butt can be pretty fucking tiring." she dropped her arm and slumped her body in defeat.

"Good night Karen." Kenny said in his normal voice, bending down and hugging her tightly. After he let go she went off to her room, shutting the door behind her.

"That was quite the acting performance if I do say so myself." Butters chuckled, sitting up and removing his helmet. Kenny extended a hand which Butters took gratefully, pulling himself up.

"Are you okay though? I'm sorry I hit you." Kenny placed a hand on the shorter blond's face, examining the area his fist had collided with earlier.

"Oh I'm fine Ken." Butters reassured with a smile, gripping the other's hand lightly. "How was work?"

Kenny sighed and separated from Butters, sitting on the couch and removing his mask. "It was a long day, thanks for watching Karen for me."

"It's no trouble, just a little cooking, besides I love playing with her." Butters smiled brightly and placed his hand on Kenny's. "How was visiting Kyle by the way?"

Kenny's smile faded as he looked away. "I did something really stupid and I think Stan and Kyle might kinda be pissed at me now." He admitted.

"Well I'm sure they won't be too mad. And even if they are, you're their best friend, they'll forgive you." 

"Thanks Leo." Kenny smiled again gripping the boy's hand. "But it was pretty bad."

"What did you do anyway?" Silence. "That embarrassing huh? Come on, spit it out." Butters grabbed Kenny's other hand and turned to face him, tucking one leg under him.

"Kyle got jealous of me with Wendy and thought he liked me." Kenny stared down at their hands and rubbed the back of them with the pads of his thumbs. "I knew he didn't and so I kissed him to prove it." 

"Then what?" Butters asked after a beat of silence. He shook slightly, breathing low.

"I was right, he doesn't like me like that." Kenny gripped his hands tighter. 

"Sorry, I know we're not dating or anything, but I still can't help but feel relieved... and a little bit jealous." Butter muttered, smiling sadly.

Kenny looked up, meeting light blue eyes. He stared at the scar over Butters eye, and the pale blue color marking his partial blindness. He leaned forward placing a small peck on his pale cheek. 

"You don't have to be jealous of anyone." He said as he pulled away and lifted Butters hands, pressing them softly against his lips. "I love you, no one else."

"I love you." the lighter blond leaned forward, a light pink dusting his cheeks. 

Kenny met him halfway, pressing there lips together. It was so sweet, so innocent. Honestly that's what Kenny loved most about him. He was everything Kenny wasn't, and everything Kenny wanted to be. That's why he couldn't let the most precious boy to him, get hurt again because of him.

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