The Hang Out

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"What did you get for number three?" Kyle asked biting the end of his pencil. He scanned through the text book in his lap while his notebook laid open with writing next to him on Wendy's bed. He had his legs pulled up to balance his text book. Wendy laid on her stomach next to him, her legs swaying in the air near the foot of the bed. All of her stuff laid out in front of her. She grabbed her notebook setting it on top of her text book and scanning the open page.

"Nonexistent?" She read. Kyle sucked in air through his teeth. She looked up with an expression matching his. "What did you get?"

"One over pi?" he breathed, not really even sure himself.

They both groaned. Kyle dropped the corner of the textbook and pressed him palms to his face, throwing his head back slightly. Wendy put her head down in her hands and kicked her legs flat to lay on the bed. They had been working for 2 hours and only got 3 questions in. There was a knock at the door which had them both straighten up as the door opened.

"Wendy, dear I'm home. I thought I told you to keep the door open when Stan-" Her mother stopped with her hand on the door knob. "Hello, there. You're the Broflovski's boy aren't you."

"Yes, my name is Kyle." He waved, though couldn't really get up because of the mess on the bed. Shifting would ruin the whole set up they had.

"Well it's nice to meet you." She smiled. "I'll go ahead start dinner, Kyle you're free to join us if you would like. Keep the door open." Mrs. Testaburger giggled waving them goodbye as she made her way back down the hall.

"Mom!" Wendy whined, her cheeks dusting a bit pink. "Sorry Kyle."

"Oh don't worry, reminds me of my mom." He laughed. "Why don't we take a break?" Kyle bookmarked and closed the text book, lowering his knees.

"What do you wanna do? We could play a game or we could watch a movie?" Wendy sat up on her knees stretching.

"Hmm..." Kyle hummed in thought for a moment before pointing at her. "Second option." Wendy pointed to the shelf under the TV mounted on the wall at the foot of the bed and started to collect their study materials to move them off the bed. Kyle made his way to the shelf. He looked through all the movies but stopped on a horror flick. "You like this?" he asked holding up 'Mirrors' and turning back to Wendy.

Wendy was setting the books down on her desk, turning back around she looked a little embarrassed. "Oh yeah, I've never actually watched it. I just can't watch scary movies alone." She admitted playing with a strand of her hair.

Kyle smirked devilishly, taking it out of the case and popping it in the DVD player. "Good thing I'm here then huh?" he asked feigning innocence.

Wendy sighed but climbed her way back onto the bed. She patted the spot next to her while Kyle just stared. "Come on! You wanted to watch a scary movie so now you have to sit with me!" She playfully demanded.

Kyle rolled his eyes and stuck his arms up in surrender. But he made his way to turn off the light before sitting on the bed. This earned him a glare from Wendy as she used her remote to flick on the television. The two were sitting next to each other, but as the movie progressed the distance between the two continued to grow smaller and smaller until Wendy was basically in his lap. She was hiding her face halfway in his chest and the other half with her hands, just peeking through her fingers with one eye. Kyle on the other hand was holding Wendy in a hug, more to comfort himself than her. He would watch the movie but bury his face in her hair when something scary would happen.

Wendy laughed under him. "I'm not the only one bad with these movies." She whispered still peeking out from her fingers.

"This one is just worse than a lot of others I've seen." Kyle scoffed. The two basically stayed in this position as the movie came to an end. Wendy sighed and shifted to get up but was kept firmly in place as Kyle's grip tightened around her. "Just give me a minute." He said, burying his face further into her hair.

She giggled feeling warmth spread in her chest. As Kyle began to loosen his grip, Wendy looked at him. "Are you okay?" she asked with a smiled.

He was a little red, "Yeah, just embarrassed." He confessed barely over a mutter. Wendy placed a hand on his cheek to reassure him, catching him off guard. He stared at her surprised as his face grew a darker red.

"Oh sorry!" Wendy flushed and pulled her hand away, standing from their place on the bed. She walked over and ejected the DVD putting it back in its case and on the shelf.

"N-no, it's fine. I-I should probably get home!" Kyle stumbled around to get his stuff, flustered and confused. He finished sticking his school stuff in his backpack. The two started to make their way downstairs to the front door. "I had a lot of fun."

"Yeah me too, we should hangout again." Wendy smiled awkwardly as Kyle slipped on his shoes.

"Definitely, I'd like that." He stood up staring down at her. They both stared for a moment pink dusting their cheeks. "Well bye." Kyle said turning and opening the door.

"Yeah, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Wendy called as he left. She closed the door behind him and left out a breath. "Way to make it more awkward Wendy." She muttered, smacking yourself as she walked to the kitchen.

Kyle walked a block down to his house before releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding. He crouched down while covering his face with both hands, silently screaming in his head. 'What the hell was that?! I feel so warm? Flustered? Happy? I've only ever felt like this around-'

He stood and lowered his hands, taking his phone out of his jacket pocket. '7 Messages' and '2 Missed Calls From Stan' read on the dim phone screen. He looked up and let out a heavy sigh, watching the puff of hot air against the dark night sky. He slowly made his way home that night, not really sure how he was supposed to explain it all when Stan asks him about it.

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