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The next week seemed bleak and boring for everyone. Kyle was out sick basically all week, while Stan avoided all of Kenny's attempts to talk to him. Stan was hanging around more with Craig and Tweek, which honestly is a surprise to everyone. Meanwhile Kenny has mostly been spending all of his time with Butters when he isn't trying to catch Stan off guard to talk to him. Wendy couldn't handle the depressing mood between them and opted to hang out with Nichole and Heidi, who she shared student counsel with for last period. She found them to be fun to hangout with and some of the few people who didn't become stuck up when entering high school. After student counsel, the three would just go over to Wendy's house to hangout.

The week dragged on, everyday felt like it was longer than it actually was. By the time Friday rolled around, Kenny was about ready to snap. After being thoroughly ignore by Stan all week, he felt completely on edge. Once he got out of school, he'd made his way to his apartment, laying on the couch. 'You never really know how much you need you best friends until they leave you behind.' He thought to himself. Today was harder for him since he had the day off from work. And just his luck Butters was busy with his family today and Karen was staying over at a friend's house tonight. 'Do I really not have any other friends?' He asked himself. It was almost like fate, right at that moment his phone started ringing.

"Hello?" He answered without even looking at the phone screen.

"Hey dick, open your damn door." An annoyed and whiney voice said before hanging up. Kenny grunted and got up, walking to the door and swinging it open. "About fucking time!"

"Cartman?" Kenny asked looking down to the slightly stocky brunette. He wore a brown flight jacket over a red sweater and dark blue jeans tucked into black snow boots. "What're you doing here?"

Eric pushed his way past Kenny and made his way to the couch. "I came to see you obviously, who else would I visit Kahl?" He set his backpack down and started to pull out a game console and all the hookup and accessories. "Speaking of, where are the two homos?"

"No I mean, in South Park?"

"Oh my mom wanted to come see some old friends, so I came along too." After getting everything set up, like it was his own TV, Eric sat on the couch holding a controller out to Kenny. He took it and sat down next to Eric. "So where are those two anyway?"

"That's... a long story."

"Thanks for coming to visit me and bringing the homework." Kyle smiled, taking the yellow folder from the noirette.

"Don't mention it. How are you feeling by the way." She smiled back, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"I'm feeling a lot better already, I'll be back at school Monday."

"That's really good to hear." Wendy spoke, fidgeting with her hands. "It's been unbearable without you there."

"Are they still not talking?" He set the folder on the nightstand next to him and folded his knees to his chest, cradling them in his arms.

"Yeah, have they come to see you yet?"

Kyle shook his head. "Kenny did once for a few minutes to check on me, but it was awkward. Stan won't even answer any of my texts, but I can't blame him. I was a dick to Stan, I panicked but still shouldn't have blown up at him like that. And I was so unfair to Kenny. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't wanna talk to me even when I come back to school."

"I'm sure you'll work it out eventually, and if not... you can still always hangout with me." Wendy offered him a small smile which he reciprocated. She held up her hand, showing her palm to him, almost like making a pledge. "Can I see your hand?"

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