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"Mom!" Laddie whined from the seat beside me. "Are we nearly there yet?"

"One more hour, Bud," I sighed as I steered the truck around the corner. We have been traveling around America enjoying our lives go the fullest. I didn't have much of childhood as I ran away from home at twelve and lived on the streets with nothing, I'll be damned if Laddie will have to live the same life. I met his dad at thirteen, him being sixteen, and got pregnant after we got high at the ripe age of fourteen. William and I became man and wife two years after, we owned a scrappy apartment in a dodgy part of town. The man has never been a perfect father or husband but we stayed with him for as long as possible. If only he didn't start hitting me more. If only he didn't attempt to hit my son because that's when I lost it. That is when I stabbed him and left him to bleed out on the kitchen floor.

"I think you're  gonna like this place," I hummed. He turned to me with a big smile.

"Is there LOTS of playgrounds?" He bounced in his seat with excitement.

"Oh there are things better than that my friend.  Carousels,  roller coasters, comic shops," I paused and looked at him, "..arcades."

His eyes widened with surprise and his smile widened even more, "Wicked!!"

It took another fifty minutes for us to finally drive pass the billboard that read 'Santa Carla'.


A/N: chapters will obviously be longer than this but I just wanted it to open with it introducing Madeline Thompson and Laddie Thompson.

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