C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ S⃨I⃨X⃨T⃨E⃨E⃨N⃨

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⚠️WARNINGS: bit Smutty, manipulation, voyeurism⚠️

I woke up that morning hot.

Blinking bleary eyes open, I squinted at the offending arm that had ruined my peace. Tucked around my naked waist, the arm led to a hulking figure behind me. i could tell it was Dwayne from the hair tumbling over my exposed shoulder and the clothes he still wore. Paul, who was in front of me, remained naked and sprawled out across the bed.

"Christ," I tried to wiggle out of Dwayne's grip with little success, "Where are my clothes?"

A mellow voice called from the far corner of the wall, "Over here."

"What time is it?" I rubbed at my crusty eyes, "I feel like death."

The voice I recognized as David's drawled, "You slept all day. You missed your shift." He waited just long enough for me to begin to stress out before amending, "It's been handled."

I straightened up as best as I could, spotting David as he sat on the floor, smoking a half-finished cigarette. I wasn't sure how I'd missed the smell of tobacco in the air when I awoke, but I eyed the cigarette between his fingers wistfully. A mild smirk pulled at his lips as he beckoned me towards him.

"Can't really move," I offered, clutching a wayward blanket to my chest when my nudity registered, "Dwayne's got me in a chokehold."

David raised a brow as he intoned, "Dwayne?"

The male beside me made a low throaty noise as he tightened his grip, dragging me closer to his chest before releasing me. His fingers trailed down my naked skin, dipping briefly into the crevice between my thighs. I brought my legs up to your chest once he released me, peering down at his languorous expression.

On my other side, Paul made an irritated sound before throwing an arm over his face and rolling away from the noise. I couldn't help but chuckle at his annoyance before I caught his rising morning wood and snapped my head away, red-faced.

"Why are ya'll still here?" I scooted toward the end of the bed to avoid looking at the now familiar appendage, snatching the cigarette from David's fingers when he offered, "Isn't this the part where you ditch?"

Propping his arm on his knee, David merely observed me, "Is that what you want?"

"I—" I trailed off as Dwayne crept in behind me, his callouses fingers dragging up my exposed spine, "It's kind of what I expected, yeah."

I really shouldn't be encouraging this again. I'd already ventured too far with all the boys last night and if I tread too closely, David was going to trip me up and trap me in this room with no intention of escape. From Dwayne's growing participation, he didn't appear averse to the idea. A familiar heat ate at my veins and I shuddered when Dwayne dragged a particularly sharp nail down my spine.

"But is it what you want?" David drawled, smirk growing as he watched Dwayne's fingers trail down my hip, "Do you want us to leave?"

I flushed, pulling the blanket tight as Dwayne tucked his head into the curve of my neck, "I don't know."

"You do," David leaned forward, resting a daring hand on the edge of the mattress, "You know what you want. Tell me, tell us."

Dwayne's hand took advantage of my silence, crawling over my leg and tracing a dangerous path to my core. Despite the stiffness of my muscles, my heart gave a little ping at the thought of recreating the events of last night with the two parties in front of me.

T⃨u⃨r⃨n⃨ O⃨n⃨ T⃨h⃨e⃨ N⃨i⃨g⃨h⃨t⃨  | The Lost BoysWhere stories live. Discover now