C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ S⃨I⃨X⃨

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⚠️warnings: mild harassment, manipulation, mind control⚠️

I wasn't sure how I let it get this far.

One second I'd been seething in the squeaky latex plastic chair and then the next, I was laughing at David's dry interjections. The four men were beginning to lose their edge of danger, relaxing into persona's that I could almost call normal. Even the sharp edge of David's smile had tempered out.

In the same way their new attitudes perplexed me, it also scared me.

The change was gradual and subtle, but the boys knew what they were doing. They weren't in any hurry, taking their time to lure me out of my shell and into their grasp. They laughed off my abrasiveness with a practiced ease and Paul knew just the right ways to trick me into conversation. By the time I'd finished my pizza, both me and Laddie were putty in their hands.

My compliance disgusted me.

But there was a strange underlying sense of familiarity between the six of us that kept dragging me back into their atmosphere. It was addictive and exhilarating, reminding me of something I never thought I'd  experience again. I hadn't even interjected when Paul moved from the opposite side of the booth to slither in next to me, squishing I between his body mass and the wall.

"And then Han Solo went swoosh and—" Laddie moved his fingers in the replica of an explosion, glancing up at Dwayne who continued to listen to his babble with veiled amusement.

"Hey, little dude!" Paul interjected, leaning his lithe body over the table to swipe the last piece of pizza, "Don't go around spoiling the movie!"

I snorted, watching as Laddie slammed his mouth shut before giving Paul a dirty look. It seemed that no matter how much effort Paul put into improving his first impression, Laddie remained unimpressed with the wild blonde's mannerisms. Their exchanges were reminiscent of a brother I hardly remembered, and it sent a pang through my chest.

My reminiscing didn't last long before a heavy boot snuck its way between my feet. The surprise caused
me to jolt, shooting me a glance upwards as it trailed its way up my uncovered ankle. Out of the entire group, I'd expect the move to have come from Paul, so I was beyond stunned when my stare landed on Dwayne's silent smirk.

I tried to yank my foot away, but the boot was unmoving, trapping my feet between his own. One of Dwayne's brows quirked. My gaze narrowed, but I forced myself to relax. Apparently disappointed with my submission, Dwayne's head tilted challengingly as he held my gaze.

Without warning, his foot shifted higher, forcefully parting my legs before I swatted him away with a snarl.

God, you could feel my face burning.

"Maddy," David called my attention away from Dwayne. A knowing smile slithered up his cheeks, "Are you okay? You look a little distracted."

With a growl, I sent both boys a scowl, "I'm fine."

I was not fine, but there was little I could do about the circumstances except survive.

I brought my feet up to tuck them beneath my legs, unaware just how deeply that move put me into Paul's space. It was a fact he didn't hesitate to take advantage of. His arm wrapped around my waist and Paul tugged me under his shoulder, a dimpled grin blooming over his face.

"Don't be stiff, babe," Paul's fingers danced along my sides, forcing me to lurch further into him, "Relax, have some fun."

I huffed, face still tainted red as I ducked out of Paul's grasp, "Then try doing something fun."

It didn't take long for me to realize that taunting Paul only encouraged him. Bringing his head down to my shoulder, Paul grinned into the curve of my neck as he whispered, "Babe, you couldn't handle all the fun things I could do to you."

T⃨u⃨r⃨n⃨ O⃨n⃨ T⃨h⃨e⃨ N⃨i⃨g⃨h⃨t⃨  | The Lost BoysWhere stories live. Discover now