C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ O⃨N⃨E⃨

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It was nearly half-eight but the night sky was already picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky so clear you could almost see every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an ethereal glow.

I was able to find a parking spot in front of the boardwalk, we will probably have to sleep in the van. It wasn't all to bad though, Laddie had his Star Wars figures and activity books and we had blankets and pillows everywhere.

"This place is awesome!" Laddie commented as he jumped out the car and faced the the blinding lights of the luminescent rides.

"Told you so,"  I  laughed as he jumped up and down with excitement.  I grabbed held of his hand, not wanting him to run off and get lost, as we walked through the car park  to the entrance of the boardwalk. We stopped right in front of a couple of motorcycles so I could root through my bag to see how much money I had. $57.81.

"So can we go to the arcade now? Pleaseee," he smiled.

"Alright. Alright," I put my hands up in fake surrender. "We can but first let's get some pizzas."

His eyes lit up with joy. "Can I get a cheese one?!"

"I mean gross, too much cheese, but ok." I laughed and was about to walk through the entrance when a deep voice interrupted me.

"If you want pizza there is a great place past the comic book store and there's an arcade just further down,"'the voice said. I turned around to be  faced with a tall stranger with long brunette hairs. He had no shirt on but was wearing a leather jacket that had  a picture some sort of wild cat on the sleeve. One of the bikes was most likely his judging from his appearance and mannerism.

"Oh thank you.." I pulled a polite smile and nodded.

"My name is Dwayne. What's yours?" He inquired, leaning back into one of the bikes.

"Oh. Madeline," I answered.

"Well I hope you and your brother enjoy the rest of your night, Madeline." He smirked. I wasn't going to correct him, many people make the same mistake, but Laddie stepped forward.

"Brother? That's my mom!" He tilted his head in confusion, he was too young to understand. Dwayne face changed from some-what-flirtatious to shock.

"Anyways. See you around, Dwayne," I sighed as I put my hand on my son's shoulders, who waved goodbye, as we walked off.


Dwayne turned his head to come face to face with his leader.  "Who was that?" He questioned, Dwayne was suppose to find a snack but let the girl go.

"I think we found the one," he hummed. Max told them that they needed a mother and he was against the idea of having a 48 year old woman wondering around the cave but he found a loophole.

"She's a mother?" David asked, his mouth forming a smirk. Dwayne nodded.

"Ugh you found a mother?" Paul groaned as he appeared out of nowhere with the curly blond behind him. 

"Why are you smirking about it?" Marko inquired with furrowed eyebrows. They were expecting some older woman who would cramp their style but once the taller man pointed in the direction where she was walking,  they also started to smirk.

A/N: so first chapter is short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. The rest of the chapters are nearly 2000 words

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