C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ F⃨O⃨U⃨R⃨T⃨E⃨E⃨N⃨

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⚠️WARNINGS: sexual innuendos, somewhat voyeurism, drug use, mind-control?⚠️

There was an odd tension surrounding you, built up throughout the day and stroked to life through Dwayne's kiss.

Taking another puff of the joint, Marko laughed at my expression as he sprawled out on the fountain's base. There was a sort of knowing in his eyes that left me unsettled and vulnerable. I wasn't sure how to proceed, especially when he stared at me, like that— with that strange hunger.

"You're always so tense, babe," Paul reached for my hand, jerking me into his lap with remarkable precision, "Chill out. Take another hit."

"Christ—" I grumbled, intent on standing up when Paul's arm latched around my waist. I had little choice other than to settle, "No need to pull me."

"Just getting you comfortable," Paul practically purred into my ear, grabbing the joint Marko held out and bringing it back to my lips, "You know the drill, babe."

I opened my mouth, letting him place it between my lips and took a deep inhale. This time there were no words exchanged and I was able to easily blow out the smoke, relishing in the wave of serenity that flooded my system. Not willing to disturb the atmosphere, I ignored the way Paul's hand trailed up my shirt and hovered against my bare skin.

The little joint was passed between us for several rounds and I slackened into Paul's hold, watching as it burnt down to the nub. I didn't notice the change in the air until it was too late. Marko flicked the butt away, using the movement to draw himself closer to my side. I tilted my head toward him, watching the way he prowled toward me in drug-fueled apathy.

"Come here," Marko tapped my cheek, making me turn fully to face him.

Before I could register what he wanted, he was leaning in, lips trailing up the curve of my jaw. Sensing Marko's intent, Paul's grip tightened. The hand he'd snuck up my shirt drew its way over your stomach and he teasingly trailed his fingers over the skin just above my waistline.

"What—" I managed to gasp as Marko moved his attention to my neck, "What are you doing?"

Paul snickered, fingers dipping under the denim of my jeans for the barest second, "I don't know, what are we doing, Marko?"

"I thought it was obvious," Marko teased, breaking away from his assault on my neck with thinly veiled satisfaction, "Pretty sure we're trying to fuck you."

I coughed at his blunt reply, a strange rush of heat flooding my veins, "But— Laddie's right there—"

"Don't worry about that," Paul whispered in my ear, his fingers dragging mercilessly over my soft sides, "He'll sleep for a while."

Before I could consider the certainty of his statement, Marko was back in my face. His lips were tilted in the barest hints of a wicked smirk, "We know you want to," he trailed his hand up my denim-clad thigh, fingers digging into the flesh, "Come on, Maddy, you know you want to."

"Maddy," Paul taunted, his breath warming the shell of my ear as his hands grew more brazen, "Are you nervous, babe?"

"I'm not nervous—" I lied through my teeth, sucking in a sharp breath when Paul pinched my side, "I just—"

Before I had a chance to finish, Paul stood up, dragging me to my feet. He didn't release his hold on me though, instead wrapping both arms around my waist in a soft show of possession. Rubbing his face against the vulnerable curve of my neck, I shivered when he laughed.

"Don't worry, babe," Paul taunted before sharp teeth nipped my jugular, "We'll take care of you."

I swallowed, lust fighting against rationality, "I—"

Taking the chance to intercept before my doubts overwhelmed me, Marko sidled into my space. He ducked his head down, whispered into my opposite ear, "Give in, y/n," the next words were whispered with such an intensity, I didn't think I could disobey even if you wanted, "Join us."

Before my brain could intercept and warn me against what I was doing, I nodded.

It was all the encouragement needed for Paul to swoop me into a tight hug, his raucous whoop of triumph floating off the walls. Marko's satisfaction was more subdued, but the hand he rested on my back spoke of ownership and victory. Their actions shouldn't have flustered me the way they did.

If it had been any other boys, I would have blamed my surrender solely on the drugs.

As it was, though, I knew I had no one to blame but myself.

IMPORTANT A/N: I know the past chapters have been short, it's because I'm running out of ideas. Not to fear next chapter will be hella smutty.

Sorry for the speed publishing. I'm annoying someone. HELLO EMILY

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