C⃨H⃨A⃨P⃨T⃨E⃨R⃨ F⃨I⃨F⃨T⃨E⃨E⃨N⃨

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⚠️WARNINGS: manipulation, drug use, choking, 3580 words of pure SMUT, mild degradation, threesome, dub-con?, un-safe sex, little bit of blood play, voyeurism⚠️

The hallway they led me down was dark and damp. I could hear the soft dripping of water as it splattered against the cave floor, but it was too shaded to see where the noise came from. Candlelight lit up the space in sparse intervals of flickering flame, candles tucked away into a few deep-set areas.

The atmosphere almost felt romantic— or it would have if the knowledge of what laid ahead wasn't haunting my every step.

I gulped, marginally tightening my grip on Paul's hand. A brief moment of regret fought to take control, but it died just as quickly. Paul squeezed my hand just before ducking into a larger enclave, his wicked smile barely visible in the low lighting.

The earlier marijuana induced relaxation was quickly fading away into a sensation so intense it burned.

"You chickening out?" Marko whispered into my ear, tucking his body against mine as I hovered in the entryway.

"No," I conceded, the heat blooming in my stomach too much to ignore, "But I feel like I should."

Paul pulled me further into the room before I could put action to my words, "Too late, babe." He hauled me into his chest, his heavy palm trailing its way up my side before palming my breast, "We'll treat you good."

"I—" I started.

"Don't look so scared," Marko's laugh was low as he stepped forward, trapping me between their two bodies. One of his gloved hands grabbed my jaw before he leaned in to trail his teeth up my vulnerable neck, "We don't bite," sharp teeth nipped my jawline as he chuckled, "much."

I didn't have a chance to respond further. Tilting my head closer to him, Marko leaned down to trap my lips in a brutal kiss. There was no finesse in his movements. Everything about the kiss border-lined painful and I was so engrossed in matching his vicious pacing, I failed to notice the way Paul's hands traversed down my body.

Fingers trailed over my sensitive areas, assaulting every inch of visible skin before one hand dragged its way up my shirt. I gasped into Marko's kiss as Paul's fingers delivered a painful pinch to my bra-clad nipple. My only reward for the submission was Marko's groan as his fingers latched into my hair before he gave a brutal bite to my lower lip.

Paul didn't stay idle, chuckling at the noises I made as he gave my other nipple a similar pinch. Both of his hands wrapped around my breasts and he squeezed them teasingly before moving on with his survey.

I could feel the calluses of his fingers as he drew a hot path down to my waistband.

"Look at that, Marko," Paul's nimble fingers snapped the button of my  jeans open. His fingers snuck down into the newly revealed skin with glee, "No panties."

Pulling away from our kiss with a soft laugh, Marko twisted his fingers into the roots of my hair, "Guess she came prepared," he yanked my head back, subsequently pushing my heaving chest into his own, "What a slut."

Despite the hot flash of lust that overcame you at his words, I couldn't stop my mortified glare, "Oh, fuck you—"

Marko's lips crashed back into mine, shutting me up as he snuck a hand up the back of my shirt to undo my bra.

"Working on it, babe," Paul teased, his fingers dipping down into my pants to teasingly trace the skin just above where I wanted him the most, "Don't be so needy."

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